0.4.0 • Published 6 years ago

@amiller-gh/glimmer-analyzer v0.4.0

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Last release
6 years ago

First, a PSA

Please do not use this package! This is a personal, experimental branch. Use the original package at: https://github.com/tomdale/glimmer-analyzer.git

Glimmer Analyzer

A library for doing some static analysis of Glimmer apps.


yarn add glimmer-analyzer

Creating an Analyzer

import Analyzer from 'glimmer-analyzer';
let analyzer = new Analyzer('/path/to/glimmer/app');

Template Dependencies


Discover the child components used in a component's template.

import Analyzer from 'glimmer-analyzer';
let analyzer = new Analyzer('/path/to/glimmer/app');
// {
//   path: '/my-app/components/my-component',
//   hasComponentHelper: false,
//   components: [
//     '/my-app/components/my-component/local-component',
//     '/my-app/components/my-other-component'
//   ]
// }


Discover the child components used in a component's template, and the components used in the child components' templates, and so on, until the entire dependency graph has been walked.

import Analyzer from 'glimmer-analyzer';
let analyzer = new Analyzer('/path/to/glimmer/app');
// {
//   path: '/my-app/components/my-component',
//   hasComponentHelper: false,
//   components: [
//     '/my-app/components/my-component/local-component',
//     '/my-app/components/my-component/local-component/we-must-go-deeper',
//     '/my-app/components/my-other-component',
//     '/my-app/components/user-profile',
//     '/my-app/components/some-component-used-by-my-other-component-but-not-my-component'
//     '/my-app/components/no-one-reads-readmes-anyway',
//   ]
// }

Treeshaken Resolution Maps

Glimmer uses a resolution map to map components used in your templates to their underlying modules. Instead of building a resolution map that contains everything for the whole app, you can build a map that contains the modules for just a single component (an entry point for a route, for example) and all of its dependencies.


Returns the resolution map for the app with everything but the given component and its dependencies removed. If you don't provide the map as the second argument, it will try to generate one for you.

import Analyzer from 'glimmer-analyzer';
let analyzer = new Analyzer('/path/to/glimmer/app');
let resolutionMapForWholeApp = ...;

analyzer.resolutionMapForEntryPoint('my-component', resolutionMapForWholeApp);
// {
//   'component:/my-app/components/my-component': 'ui/components/my-component/component.ts',
//   'template:/my-app/components/my-component': 'ui/components/my-component/template.hbs',
//   'component:/my-app/components/my-component/page-banner': 'ui/components/my-app/page-banner/component.ts',
//   'template:/my-app/components/my-component/page-banner': 'ui/components/my-app/page-banner/template.hbs',
//   'template:/my-app/components/ferret-launcher': 'ui/components/ferret-launcher/template.hbs',
// }