0.2.0 • Published 8 years ago

@ampersarnie/amperf v0.2.0

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Last release
8 years ago



Amperf provides the following information;

  • Total length of time for tests.
  • Average test time.
  • Average test memory usage.
  • Fastest and slowest iteration times.


It's recommended that you install Amperf globally through NPM.

npm i -g @ampersarnie/amperf

You may need to add an alias to ./bin/amperf in your bash profile. NPM will install global modules to /usr/local/lib/node or /usr/local/lib/node_modules. The full path will be similar to; /usr/local/lib/node_modules/@ampersarnie/amperf/bin/amperf.


Amperf.describe('Suite of tests being run', function(AmperfTest) {
    AmperfTest('Test spec', function() {
        // Test code here.


Amperf provides some benchmarking capabilities allowing you to stipulate maximum speeds and memory usage to have.

Amperf.describe('Suite of tests being run', function(AmperfTest) {
    AmperfTest('Test spec', function() {
        // Test code here.
        time_total: 1, // seconds
        time_average: 5.0 // milliseconds

CLI Options

Amperf has a number of options for your test output from the command line.

--file / --f

Default: ./perf/test.js

amperf --file perf/my-test.js

Also allows for loading all files in a given directory.

amperf --file perf/

--template / --t

Default: ./DefaultTemplate.js

amperf --file perf/my-test.js --template MyTemplate.js

--iterations / --i

Default: 100

amperf --file perf/my-test.js --iterations 256


Default: cycle_time,time_average,memory_average,time_fastest,time_slowest

Shows only the cycle and average times

amperf --file perf/my-test.js --show cycle_time,time_average


Amperf allows for custom output templates. A list of the required methods and their arguments can be found in the ./src/TemplateInterface.js file. You can see examples of the usage in both ./src/DefaultTemplate.js and ./examples/templates/src/ExampleTemplate.js.

The TemplateInterface does not need to be invoked within your template as these checks are handled by the AmperfTemplate class.