1.6.1 • Published 6 years ago

@amphibian/validate v1.6.1

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6 years ago


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simple schema validation

npm install @amphibian/validate
var {validate} = require('@amphibian/validate');

Building a schema

Set up schemas as objects that have a type property with a string describing the expected type.

// String schema
{type: 'string'}

type can be any of the following: any, undefined, boolean, number, string, regexp, array, object, date, function, promise.


Provide boolean optional if validate shouldn't validate input when it is undefined.

// NOTE Will not throw
validate(undefined, {type: 'string', optional: true});


Provide function test to do your own validation after validate has succeeded. It is given three arguments: input, objectPath, and objectPathArray. objectPath is a readable string showing the location of the error in the provided schema. objectPathArray is the array representation of that string that can be passed onto other validate functions.

// NOTE Will throw custom error
validate('password', {
    type: 'string',
    test: (input, objectPath) => {
        if (input.length < 10) {
            throw new Error(`Password too short at "${objectPath}"!`);

Object schema

Special property properties that describe children of the object.

    type: 'object',
    properties: {
        someChild: {type: 'string'},
        otherChild: {type: 'number', optional: true}

Array schema

Special property indices that describe children of the array.

    type: 'array',
    indices: {type: 'string'}


The validate function takes two arguments: The variable you would like to validate, and the schema it should match. validate throws on error.

var {validate} = require('@amphibian/validate');

try {
    validate({}, {type: 'string'});
} catch (error) {
    console.log(error.code); // > type_error


If the schema validation fails, an @amphibian/error will be thrown. The error object is an Error instance with a few extra properties, and looks somewhat like this:

    message: 'Invalid Input (unknown_schema_type): schema.type undefned',
    status: 400,
    type: 'invalid_input',
    code: 'unknown_schema_type',
    data: ['schema.type', 'undefned']

The first index of error.data is the path to where the error was found.

Advanced schemas

To build more advanced and complex schemas, utilize the any type with custom test parameters.

var {validate, expectOneToSucceed} = require('@amphibian/validate');
var schema = {
    type: 'any',
    test: (input, objectPath, objectPathArray) => {
        try {
                () => validate(input, {type: 'object'}, objectPathArray),
                () => validate(input, {type: 'array'}, objectPathArray)
        } catch (error) {
            throw new Error(`Use Object or Array at "${objectPath}"!`);

validate({}, schema);