0.1.6 • Published 4 years ago

@amra-finance/ding v0.1.6

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Last release
4 years ago


Ding.js is a JavaScript library that makes it easy to build applications on top of Amra's Ding Credit System. Right now it's mainly a fork of Dai.js but it will diverge in the future as we add different features.

The library features a pluggable, service-based architecture, which allows users maximal control when integrating the Amra functionality into existing infrastructures.


Use NPM or Yarn to install the library:

npm install @amra-finance/ding

Then include it:

import Amra from '@amra-finance/ding';
// or:
const Amra = require('@amra-finance/ding');

Example for transferring Ding:

import Amra from '@amra-finance/ding';
const amra = Amra.create('test');
await amra.authenticate();

transferDing(address, amount) {
  const ding = amra.service('token').getToken('DING');
  return ding.transfer(address, amount);

For full documentation, please refer to the wiki.

For example code that consumes the library, check out this repository.


  1. git clone https://github.com/amra-finance/ding.js
  2. yarn install
  3. Install testchain - git submodule update --init --recursive
  4. Install dapptools - curl https://dapp.tools/install | sh

Running the unit tests

The test suite is configured to run on a Ganache test chain. Before running the tests with yarn test, the test chain will start from a snapshot that has the Amra contracts deployed to it.

If you want to re-run the tests whenever you make a change to the code, use yarn test:watch.

If you want to start a test chain and leave it running, use yarn test:net.

Running the integration tests

There are also automated tests that send transactions through either the Kovan test network or the Ethereum main network. To use them, first set your private key for the appropriate network to an environment variable:

export PRIVATE_KEY="0x..."

Then, use either yarn test:kovan or yarn test:mainnet to run the tests.

Since these networks run much more slowly than Ganache, you might want to set the debug environment variable (in order to see some relevant output along the way):

export DEBUG="ding:testing"

You can also run these tests on the local test network with the command yarn test:integration.

Handling changes to contract code

If you have deployed contract code changes to the testchain, run scripts/install-testchain-outputs.sh to copy any updated ABI files and contract addresses to their expected locations.


  • yarn build:backend - create backend build in dist folder
  • yarn build:frontend - create a UMD build in dist folder
  • yarn lint - run an ESLint check
  • yarn coverage - run code coverage and generate report in the coverage folder
  • yarn testDaiChain - start a Dai test chain and run all tests
  • yarn testDingChain - start a Ding test chain and run all tests
  • yarn test:watch - start a test chain and run all tests in watch mode
  • yarn test:net - just start a test chain
  • yarn test:kovan - run integration tests on Kovan
  • yarn test:mainnet - run integration tests on mainnet
  • yarn test:integration - run integration tests on Ganache



  • BREAKING CHANGE: Importing a file directly from the package must now be done by prefixing the path with dist. E.g. /contracts/addresses/kovan.json now becomes /dist/contract/addresses/kovan.json.


Ding.js is available under the MIT license included with the code and inherited from Dai.js.

Dai.js license:




Ding.js packages and docs:


