1.0.2 • Published 12 months ago

@anag0/typewriter v1.0.2

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Last release
12 months ago

TypeWriter javascript effect

A super simple and very small TypeWriter javascript library, only about ~2KB Live example


Use npm or yarn to install TypeWriter with a single command

# with npm
npm i @anag0/typewriter

# with yarn
yarn add @anag0/typewriter


If you prefer a build, use the CDN version

<script src="https://unpkg.com/@anag0/typewriter@latest/dist/typewriter.js"></script>


// Choose a node
const element = document.querySelectorAll('p')[0];

// Do the thing
const typeWriter = new TypeWriter(element, {
    keepBlinking: false
        .write('This is a typewriter script!')
        .config({pauseMin: 50, pauseMax:60})
        .write('You can change the speed.');


NameTypeDefault valueDescription
cursorString'|' (Pipe)The blinking cursor
pauseMinInteger170Mininum wait time before the next character
pauseMaxInteger230Maximum wait time before the next character
keepBlinkingBooltrueShould the cursor remain after the text is printed
autoStartBooltrueShould the tasks start right away. If false then use the start() method to start the tasks
classNameStringtypewriterThe class name to be used for the element
injectStylesBooltrueShould the typewriter CSS be injected to the header


writeString Text to writeWrites a text to the node innerHTML property
deleteInt Number of Characters to deleteDeletes number of characters a from the node innerHTML property
waitInt Milliseconds to waitWaits for N milliseconds before continuing with the next task
wipe-Deletes everything from the target node innerHTML property
configObject Configuration key => value pairsChanges the configuration

Callback functions

These are added via the arguments (options).

const typeWriter = new TypeWriter(node, {
    onFinish: (node, params)=>{
        console.log(node, params);
    onStart: (node, params)=>{
        console.log(node, params);
    onTask: (task, node, params)=>{
        console.log(task, node, params);
onStartElement The Node, Object OptionsExecutes when the start() function is triggered
onFinishElement The Node, Object OptionsExecutes when no more tasks left in the queue
onTaskObject Task, Element The Node, Object OptionsExecutes when a task is about to be executed from the queue


Basic Usage

Appends a text to the first paragraph node found

const typeWriter = new TypeWriter(document.querySelectorAll('p')[0]);
typeWriter.write('This is a typewriter script!')

Deletes the node contents after waiting 2 seconds, then types in the new text:

const typeWriter = new TypeWriter(document.querySelectorAll('p')[0]);
typeWriter.wait(2000).wipe().write('This is a typewriter script!')

Advanced Usage

Deletes the node contents after waiting 2 seconds, then types in the new text, deletes 7 characters, then changes the typing speed, then writes a new text.

const typeWriter = new TypeWriter(document.querySelectorAll('p')[0], {
    pauseMin: 100,
    pauseMax: 150,
    keepBlinking: false
    .write('This is a typewriter script!')
    .config({pauseMin: 50, pauseMax:100})

Custom class name & styles injection

By default the styles are injected to the document header. You can skip that, and add the styles manually from the typewriter.css file, or:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/@anag0/typewriter@latest/dist/typewriter.css">

In that case the injectStyles option has to be false:

const typeWriter = new TypeWriter(document.querySelectorAll('p')[0], {
    injectStyles: false

You can also specify a custom wrapper class name:

const typeWriter = new TypeWriter(document.querySelectorAll('p')[0], {
    className: "myCustomTypewriter"

If injectStyles is enabled, the className is automatically changed within the injected styles.

Chaining multiple TypeWriters via callbacks

Using the onFinish and autoStart options you can chain the typewriter scripts together, so the next one is always started after the previous one finishes.

const node1 = document.querySelector('#node1');
const node2 = document.querySelector('#node2');
const node3 = document.querySelector('#node3');

const typeWriter1 = new TypeWriter(node1, {
    autoStart: false,
    keepBlinking: false,
    onFinish: (node, params)=>{
const typeWriter2 = new TypeWriter(node2, {
    autoStart: false,
    keepBlinking: false,
    onFinish: ()=>{
const typeWriter3 = new TypeWriter(node3, {
    autoStart: false,
    keepBlinking: false

typeWriter1.write('This is the first typewriter writing..').start();
typeWriter2.write('..this is the second one..');
typeWriter3.write('..and this is the third.');