0.1.0 • Published 5 years ago

@andrew.vanbeekokta/okta-node-cli-example v0.1.0

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5 years ago

Okta Node.js Command Line Application Example

This project is the sample CLI application code for the blog post Build a Command Line Application with Node.js. This sample app demonstrates using Node.js to build a CLI application that can use PKCE to authenticate with an OAuth 2.0 API. Please read the blog post for more information!

To use this code, you will need the following:

To successfully run this project you will need to:

  1. Clone or download the source code.
  2. Run npm install from the command line in the project folder.
  3. Copy .env.sample to .env
  4. Create a "native" application in Okta
  5. Update .env with your Okta developer URL and application's Client ID
  6. Install the CLI app globally using npm install -g .

After installing the CLI app globally, you will have two commands you can use: hello and pkce-login.
