0.3.3 • Published 1 year ago

@anion155/selectable-context v0.3.3

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1 year ago

React Context with Selector

This library will help to manage renders of the children based on change of one field in the React Context.

When to use it?

When you have setup like this, with multiple values in one Context:

const CoolContext = createContext(undefined);
function CoolProvider({ children }) {
  const [value, setValue] = useState(55);
  const value = useMemo(() => ({ value, setValue, another: 'string' }), []);
  return <CoolContext.Provider value={value}>{children}</CoolContext.Provider>;
// ...
    {({ value }) => {
      console.log('render with new value:', value);
      return <>This is the `value` value: {value}</>;
    {({ setValue }) => {
      console.log('render with new setValue:', setValue);
      return <button onClick={() => setValue(prev => prev + 1)}>Increase value</button>;
    {({ another }) => {
      console.log('render with new another:', another);
      return <>This is the `another` value: {another}</>;

In this setup every time field value is changed all consumers are re-rendered, and the same goes for the changes of another field.

How to use it?

Let's take same example and rewrite it without this unnecessary re-renders. It's pretty similar to React Context:

import { createSelectableContext } from "@anion155/selectable-context";
// Here we are using library context implementation
const CoolContext = createSelectableContext(undefined);
function CoolProvider({ children }) {
  const [value, setValue] = useState(55);
  const value = useMemo(() => ({ value, setValue, another: 'string' }), []);
  return <CoolContext.Provider value={value}>{children}</CoolContext.Provider>;
// ...
  {/* Here we declare selector for the value */}
  <CoolContext.Consumer selector={({ value }) => value}>
    {(value) => {
      console.log('render with new value:', value);
      return <>This is the `value` value: {value}</>;
  {/* Here we declare selector for the value */}
  <CoolContext.Consumer selector={({ setValue }) => setValue}>
    {(setValue) => {
      console.log('render with new setValue:', setValue);
      return <button onClick={() => setValue(prev => prev + 1)}>Increase value</button>;
  {/* Here we declare selector for the value */}
  <CoolContext.Consumer selector={({ another }) => another}>
    {(another) => {
      console.log('render with new another:', another);
      return <>This is the `another` value: {another}</>;

Now when we will change value using setValue only first Consumer would be called for render.

Quick tip

With this setup we still need to separate render of children from render of Provider, whether by using React.memo on children Components or by rendering children separately (separate Provider component with it's inner state, and pass rendered elements through children prop)



Is a replacement of React.createContext and has similar api. Only exception is that Consumer now accepts selector property, which would select value passed to children function

function createSelectableContext<T>(defaultValue: T): SelectableContext<T>;

type SelectableProviderProps<T> = {
  value: T;
  children?: React.ReactNode | undefined;
type SelectableConsumerProps<T, R = T> = {
  selector?: (value: T) => R;
  children: (selected: R) => React.ReactNode;
type SelectableContext<T> = {
  Provider: FC<SelectableProviderProps<T>>;
  Consumer: <R = T>(props: SelectableConsumerProps<T, R>) => ReactElement;
  defaultValue: T;


Created Context is not compatible with React.useContext and should be used with the following hook


This hook accepts Context instance with optional selector and isEqual, and return it's current value as well as subscribes to value changes. It is using useSyncExternalStoreWithSelector internally, so it does support minimum memoization of selector:

function useSelectableContext<T>(Context: SelectableContext<T>): T;
function useSelectableContext<T, R>(
  Context: SelectableContext<T>,
  selector: (value: T) => R,
  isEqual?: IsEqualBinary<T, R>
): R;
function useSelectableContext<T, R>(
  Context: SelectableContext<T>,
  selector?: (value: T) => R,
  isEqual?: IsEqualBinary<T, R>
): T | R;

type IsEqualBinary<T, R> = (
  a: T | NonNullable<R>,
  b: T | NonNullable<R>
) => boolean;

Internal API

Internally SelectableContext uses React.Context and passes Observable-like object with set of listeners and subscription method:

type SelectableContextController<T> = {
  value: T;
  listeners: Set<Listener<T>>;
  subscribe: Subscription<T>;

It is possible to gather this controller by using useSelectableContextController hook (available only as a source code)

import { useSelectableContextController } from "@anion155/selectable-context/internal";

const controller = useSelectableContextController(CoolContext);
console.log('Count of listeners on this render:', controller.listeners.size);


Subscription of listener or change of context value would not mark component using this hook for re-render. Controller is created once for lifecycle of the component.


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