0.2.5 • Published 3 years ago

@anypoint-web-components/anypoint-chip-input v0.2.5

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Last release
3 years ago


A material design input with chips styled for Anypoint platform.

This element extends AnypointInput class.

Chips are compact elements that represent an input, attribute, or action.

Published on NPM




npm install --save @anypoint-web-components/anypoint-chip-input

In an html file

    <script type="module">
      import '@anypoint-web-components/anypoint-chip-input/anypoint-chip-input.js';

In a LitElement

import { LitElement, html } from 'lit-element';
import '@anypoint-web-components/anypoint-chip-input/anypoint-chip-input.js';

class SampleElement extends LitElement {
  render() {
    return html`
customElements.define('sample-element', SampleElement);

Input value

The value property represents current user input. The input is cleared each time a suggestion is accepted.

Chips value can be read from chipsValue property. It also accepts previous values as long as suggestions (source property) is set.

You can directly manipulate chips data model by accessing chips property. Note that the element does not observe deep changes in the array. Re-assign the array when changing the model. lit-html handles template rendering efficiently in this case.

Predefined suggestions

The input accepts chips value via chips property. It is an array of values to render when the element is initialized or at runtime.

const chips = [
    label: 'Chip #1'
    label: 'Chip #2', removable: true
    label: 'Chip #3', icon: svg`...`
html`<anypoint-chip-input .chips="${chips}">
  <label slot="label">Enter value</label>

Chips are required to have a label property that is used to render the value.

A chip can have a removable property that allows the user to remove the chip from the input.

An icon property allows to render a chip with an icon.

Chip suggestions

Chip input accepts source array with a list of suggestions to render in a drop down on user input. It can be list of strings or a list of maps with value property and optionally icon property.

Simple suggestions

const source = [
  'Apple', 'Apricot', 'Avocado', ...

html`<anypoint-chip-input .source="${source}">
  <label slot="label">Enter value</label>

Icons suggestions

The icon is rendered in a chip only.

The icon property must be an instance of SVGTemplateResult from lit-html element.

import { svg } from 'lit-element';

// Creating icons example
const iconWrapper = (tpl) => svg`<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" focusable="false" style="pointer-events: none; display: block; width: 100%; height: 100%;">${tpl}</svg>`;
export const directionsBike = iconWrapper(svg`<path d="M15.5 5.5c1.1 0 2-.9 2-2s-.9-2-2-2-2 .9-2 2 .9 2 2 2zM5 12c-2.8 0-5 2.2-5 5s2.2 5 5 5 5-2.2 5-5-2.2-5-5-5zm0 8.5c-1.9 0-3.5-1.6-3.5-3.5s1.6-3.5 3.5-3.5 3.5 1.6 3.5 3.5-1.6 3.5-3.5 3.5zm5.8-10l2.4- 1.3 3 2.1 5.1 2.1V9c-1.5 0-2.7-.6-3.6-1.5l-1.9-1.9c-.5-.4-1-.6-1.6-.6s-1.1.2-1.4.6L7.8 8.4c-.4.4-.6.9-.6 1.4 0 .6.2 1.1.6 1.4L11 14v5h2v-6.2l-2.2-2.3zM19 12c-2.8 0-5 2.2-5 5s2.2 5 5 5 5-2.2 5-5-2.2-5-5-5zm0 8.5c-1.9 0-3.5-1.6-3.5-3.5s1.6-3.5 3.5-3.5 3.5 1.6 3.5 3.5-1.6 3.5-3.5 3.5z"></path>`);
export const directionsBoat = iconWrapper(svg`<path d="M20 21c-1.39 0-2.78-.47-4-1.32-2.44 1.71-5.56 1.71-8 0C6.78 20.53 5.39 21 4 21H2v2h2c1.38 0 2.74-.35 4-.99 2.52 1.29 5.48 1.29 8 0 1.26.65 2.62.99 4 .99h2v-2h-2zM3.95 19H4c1.6 0 3.02-.88 4-2 .98 1.12 2.4 2 4 2s3.02-.88 4-2c.98 1.12 2.4 2 4 2h.05l1.89-6.68c.08-.26.06-.54-.06-.78s-.34-.42-.6-.5L20 10.62V6c0-1.1-.9-2-2-2h-3V1H9v3H6c-1.1 0-2 .9-2 2v4.62l-1.29.42c-.26.08-.48.26-.6.5s-.15.52-.06.78L3.95 19zM6 6h12v3.97L12 8 6 9.97V6z"></path>`);
export const directionsBus = iconWrapper(svg`<path d="M4 16c0 .88.39 1.67 1 2.22V20c0 .55.45 1 1 1h1c.55 0 1-.45 1-1v-1h8v1c0 .55.45 1 1 1h1c.55 0 1-.45 1-1v-1.78c.61-.55 1-1.34 1-2.22V6c0-3.5-3.58-4-8-4s-8 .5-8 4v10zm3.5 1c-.83 0-1.5-.67-1.5-1.5S6.67 14 7.5 14s1.5.67 1.5 1.5S8.33 17 7.5 17zm9 0c-.83 0-1.5-.67-1.5-1.5s.67-1.5 1.5-1.5 1.5.67 1.5 1.5-.67 1.5-1.5 1.5zm1.5-6H6V6h12v5z"></path>`);

const source = [
    value: 'Biking',
    icon: directionsBike
  }, {
    value: 'Boat trip',
    icon: directionsBoat
  }, {
    value: 'Bus trip',
    icon: directionsBus

html`<anypoint-chip-input .source="${source}" infoMessage="Type 'b' in the input">
  <label slot="label">Enter value</label>

Restoring values from suggestions with icons

Value can be restored by passing previous value to chipsValue property.

const source = [
    value: 'Biking',
    icon: directionsBike
  }, {
    value: 'Boat trip',
    icon: directionsBoat
  }, {
    value: 'Bus trip',
    icon: directionsBus
const chipsValue = ['Biking', 'Shopping'];

  <label slot="label">Enter value</label>

Allowed chips

It is possible to limit the input to a set list of values by passing allowed list to the allowed property.

const allowed = ['apple', 'Orange', 'BANANA`'];
  infoMessage="Only: Apple, Orange, and Banana">
  <label slot="label">Only allowed will become chips and value</label>

Suggestions with IDs

When source contains an id property on an item, the id is returned in the chipsValue instead of the value.

const source = [
    value: 'Biking',
    icon: directionsBike,
    id: 'activity-1'
  }, {
    value: 'Boat trip',
    icon: directionsBoat,
    id: 'activity-2'
  }, {
    value: 'Bus trip',
    icon: directionsBus,
    id: 'activity-3'
  <label slot="label">Type your favourite fruits</label>

Restoring from IDs

Value can be restored by passing previous value to chipsValue property.

const source = [
    value: 'Biking',
    icon: directionsBike,
    id: 'activity-1'
  }, {
    value: 'Boat trip',
    icon: directionsBoat,
    id: 'activity-2'
  }, {
    value: 'Bus trip',
    icon: directionsBus,
    id: 'activity-3'
const value = ['activity-1'];
  <label slot="label">Type your favourite fruits</label>


git clone https://github.com/anypoint-web-components/anypoint-chip-input
cd anypoint-chip-input
npm install

Running the demo locally

npm start

Running the tests

npm test