0.13.2 • Published 20 days ago

@apiture/openapi-down-convert v0.13.2

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20 days ago

OpenAPI Down Convert

openapi-down-convert is a tool to down-convert an API definition document from OpenAPI 3.1 to OpenAPI 3.0.

Warning: This is not a fully robust tool. It does the minimal work necessary for OAS 3.1 API documents in order to support tools such as openapi-generator which do not support OAS 3.1. It only supports the OAS 3.1 features that the Apiture APIs use.

Warning: Down converting yields a loss in fidelity. Some API information is lost.

Installation and Synopsis

The tool is implemented with Node.js.

NPM Installation

npm i @apiture/openapi-down-convert
import { Converter, ConverterOptions } from './converter';
const options : ConverterOptions = { verbose: false,
                                     deleteExampleWithId: true,
                                     allOfTransform: false };
  const converter = new Converter(oas31Document, options);
  try {
    const oas30Document = converter.convert();
  } catch (ex) {
    // handle the exception

Since the use case for the converter is in build pipelines and CLI use, this operation is synchronous and does not use async/await/Promises.

Command Line


npm i -g @apiture/openapi-down-convert

then to use:

openapi-down-convert --input openapi-3.1.yaml --output openapi-3.0.yaml

Command line options:

Usage: openapi-down-convert [options]

  -i, --input <input-file>               A OpenAPI 3.1 file name. Defaults to "openapi.yaml"
  -o, --output <output-file>             The output file, defaults to stdout if omitted
  -a, --allOf                            If set, convert complex $ref in JSON schemas to allOf
  --authorizationUrl <authorizationUrl>  The authorizationUrl for openIdConnect -> oauth2 transformation
  --tokenUrl <tokenUrl>                  The tokenUrl for openIdConnect -> oauth2 transformation
  -d, --delete-examples-with-id          If set, delete any JSON Schema examples that have an `id` property
  --oidc-to-oath2 <scopes>               Convert openIdConnect security to oath2.
  --convertJsonComments                  If used, convert `$comment` in JSON schemas
                                         to `x-comment`. If omitted, delete
                                         all `$comment` in JSON schemas.
                                         (Use `--verbose` to log deletion
                                         to stdout)
  -s, --scopes <scopes>                  If set, this JSON/YAML file describes the OpenID scopes.
                                         This is an alias for --oidc-to-oath2
  -v, --verbose                          Verbose output
  -V, --version                          output the version number
  -h, --help                             display help for command

The verbose mode logs all changes to standard error output stream.

The tool returns a 0 status code upon success or a non-zero status code if it finds constructs that cannot be down-converted, such as using contentMediaType: application/octet-stream with a format other than binary, or if a schema has contentEncoding: base64 and has an existing format that is not already base64.

The tool only supports local file-based documents, not URLs. Download such files to convert:

openapi-down-convert --input <(curl -s https://my.host/path/openapi-3.1.yaml) \
                     --output openapi-3.0.yaml

OpenAPI Specifications Transformations

Here is a list of the transformations the tool performs:

openapi declaration

Change openapi: 3.1.x to openapi: 3.0.3

openIdConnect security definitions

Replace openIdConnect security definition with an oauth2 security requirement They are close enough, as far as code generation (such as openapi-generator) is concerned - it just means an Authorization: header must have a valid token.

Note: This conversion is only performed if the --oidc-to-oauth2 option (or it's alias, --scopes) is supplied. Use the other options to specify the authorizationUrl and tokenUrl for the oauth2 security definition.

TODO: Fetch the openIdConnect connection info and extract the authorization and token URLs from it.

      type: openIdConnect
      description: ...
      openIdConnectUrl: 'https://auth.apiture.com/openidConnectDiscovery'

becomes something like:

  type: oauth2
  description: "OpenIDConnect authorization code flow via https://auth.apiture.com/openidConnectDiscovery"
      authorizationUrl: <authorizationUrl option>
      tokenUrl: <tokenUrl option>
        scope1: Allow the application to access your personal profile data.
        scope2: Allow the application to send email on your behalf.
        scope3: >-
          TODO: describe the 'scope3' scope.
        scope4: >-
          TODO: describe the 'scope4' scope.

The tool scans all the security objects in all the operations to build a list of the used scopes. The descriptions for the scopes should be be supplied in the scopes.yamlfile as simple scopeName: scope description pairs:

scope1: Allow the application to access your personal profile data.
scope2: Allow the application to send email on your behalf.

$ref object rewrites

For all schemas which contain a $ref object with siblings (description, other schema elements), replace the $ref: uri with allOf . For example:

  description: Blah blah
  $ref: '#/components/schemas/MyArray'


  description: Blah blah
    - $ref: '#/components/schemas/MyArray'

This also applies to the schema used in parameters or in requestBody objects and in responses.

Note This transformation is disabled by default because it breaks openapi-generator 5.4 in cases where the referenced schema is an array. It generates Typescript types for such cases as

  myProperty: Array | null;
model/Model.ts:26:23 - error TS2314: Generic type 'Array<T>' requires 1 type argument(s).

which should be

  incompleteAccounts: Array<string> | null;

To enable, use the allOfTransform: true option in the Converter constructor or the --allOf command line argument. When disabled, the $ref is instead simplified to a JSON reference.

Other (non-JSON Schema) OAS 3.1 $ref objects can have description and summary. $ref for non-schema objects in OAS 3.0 cannot have description and summary. openapi-down-convert simply removes description and summary to yield a valid JSON reference as required by OAS 3.0. (The resulting OpenAPI will use the description in the $ref target.)


Remove info.license.identifier.


Remove the webhooks object, if present.

JSON Schema related changes

OAS 3.0 uses an earlier JSON Schema version (JSON Schema Specification Wright Draft 00). The tool converts examples in schemas to a single example.

As a special case, if the resulting example includes an id, it is deleted if the --delete-examples-with-id CLI option is set. This addresses Spectral issue 2081.

Convert const to enum

Convert JSON Schema that uses const to an enum with one value. For example

        description: The API version.
        type: string
        const: '1.0.0'


        description: The API version.
        type: string
          - '1.0.0'

Convert type arrays to nullable

If a schema has a type array of exactly two values, and one of them is the string 'null', the type is converted to the non-null string item, and nullable: true added to the schema.

For example:

      title: My Response
      description: Response from an API operation
      type: [ object, 'null' ]


      title: My Response
      description: Response from an API operation
      type: object
      nullable: true


      title: My Response
      description: Response from an API operation
      type: array
        type: [ 'string', 'null' ]


      title: My Response
      description: Response from an API operation
      type: array
        type: string
        nullable: true

This transformation does not handle more complex type array scenarios such as

   type: [ number, string, boolean, 'null']

To support that, the schema would need to be recast using oneOf, but this is not trivial due to other schema attributes that may be possible (properties, allOf etc.)

(Contributions welcome.)

Remove unevaluatedProperties

The tool removes the unevaluatedProperties value, introduced in later versions of JSON Schema, as this is not supported in OAS 3.0 JSON Schema Draft 7 used in OAS 3.0.

      title: My Response
      description: Response from an API operation
      type: object
      unevaluatedProperties: false


      title: My Response
      description: Response from an API operation
      type: object

The tool removes any $id or $schema keywords that may appear inside schema objects.

Convert $comment to x-comment

JSON Schema introduced $comment in schemas in 2020-12. Since OAS 3.0 uses JSON Schema Draft 4, and some tools will flag $comment as invalid, this tool removes these comments.

An earlier version of the tool converted $comment to x-comment However, other tools which do not allow $comment may not not support x-comment either.

Use the --convert-schema-comments CLI option or set convertSchemaComments to true in the Converter constructor options to requst conversion of $comment to x-comment rather than deleting $comment.

For example,

      title: Problems
      description: Problem Items
      type: array
      maxItems: 1000
      $comment: >-
        The value 1000 here must match `maxItems` in the ProblemList schema.
         $ref: '#/components/schemas/apiProblem'


      title: Problems
      description: Problem Items
      type: array
      maxItems: 1000
      x-comment: >-
        The value 1000 here must match `maxItems` in the ProblemList schema.
         $ref: '#/components/schemas/apiProblem'

Convert contentEncoding: base64 to format: byte

JSON Schema Draft 7 and later uses contentEncoding to specify the encoding of non-JSON string content. Draft 4 supports format: byte for Base64 encoded strings.

This tool converts type: string schemas as follows:

Unsupported down conversions

Currently, the tool does not support the following situations. Contributions welcome!

  • openapi-down-convert does not convert exclusiveMinimum and exclusiveMaximum, unevaluatedProperties, patternProperties as defined in JSON Schema 2012-12; these are not supported in JSON Schema Draft 7 used in OAS 3.0
  • Webhooks are not removed. Contributions welcome!
  • The tool only supports self-contained documents. It does not follow or resolve external $ref documents embedded in the source document.
  • Request body and response body content object transformations, such as reversing content: { 'application/octet-stream': {} } as described in Migrating from OpenAPI 3.0 to 3.1.0
  • Converting other contentEncoding values (7bit, 8bit, binary, quoted-printable, base16, base32) (Note: contentEncoding: base64 is supported by converting to format: byte as listed above.)
  • Converting contentMediaType: 'type/subtype to media: { type: 'type/subtype'} for non-JSON data.

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