1.0.1-rc.17 • Published 4 years ago

@apok/admin-components-bulma v1.0.1-rc.17

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4 years ago


The Bulma Styled Components for Apok-admin vue plugin

Table of Contents


When installing Apok-admin VueJS plugin, you'll have to choose the CSS styled components. This project contains the Bulma version of the aforementioned components. You really should not install this package directly into your Vue app, unless you are developing this project too. Most of the times, you want to get this package from the Apok-admin installation guide describe in its docs.


For renderers information make sure to check the Apok-admin's Renderers documentation. The only detail that's not yet explained on the aforementioned docs are the properties passed to the renderer. Since a renderer is the alias used for the component, all properties passed to a renderer are equivalent to pass them to the component itself!. By this we mean that you can set properties to a renderer the same way to a component, thus making a renderer tag behave exactly like the component tag. It's a fact that the renderer concept might seem redundant, however, it allows you to keep the same html tag on the whole app, while using variations on the same component or even change it completely.

Here's an example of a Button component being called by its renderer tag equivalent and making use of it just as the component itself:

<!-- On a Vue component template -->
<!-- Passing props the same as in the IconButton.vue component-->
    <button-renderer icon="plus" type="is-success">
        Add to cart

The same logic applies to al renderers listed here

Input Mixin

All inputs on this package include a InputMixin.js mixin that covers most of the properties that input components may need. This mixin has the inheritAttrs attribute set to false, which does exactly that. Here's a list on the props included on this mixin:

inlineInline alignment on componentBooleanfalse
readonlySets readonly stateBooleanfalse
loadingSets loading stateBooleanfalse
typeInput typeString'text'
labelInput labelStringnull
idInput IDStringnull
valueInput field valueAnynull
errorError message on fieldStringnull
placeholderInput field placeholderStringnull

Also there's a function called emit that emits an event on input change and has the input value as hte payload.


This package includes a set of VueJS components for your project development. Each component have their own props and logic so you can work with them as you wish. Here's a list of every component and props. All components are made with Bulma + Buefy, so make sure to check the docs for more info about it.

  • Inputs


    Under the hood, this component uses date-fns for format and parse functions. Make sure to check the docs for additional info!

    • Properties

      | Name | Description | Type | Default|
      | ``readonly`` | Changes readonly state of component | Boolean | false |
      | ``value`` | The picked date | String, Date | new Date() |
      | ``format`` | Display format for picked date | String | 'dd/MM/yyyy' |
      | ``parseFormat`` | Parsing format | String | 'yyyy-MM-dd' |


    • Properties

      | Name | Description | Type | Default|
      | ``color`` | Input color style | String | 'is-info' |
      | ``options`` | Options to choose from | Array | [{label: 'Default', value: False}] |


    • Properties

      buttonTextSets the upload button labelString'Choose a file...'
      fileIconSets the upload iconString, Object'upload'
    • Events

      | Name | Description | Parameters |
      | ``input`` | Triggers when file has been selected | chosen file |


    • Properties

      valueArray of selected options' valueArray-
      optionsArray of optionsArray-
      readonlySets read only status on inputBooleanfalse
      placeholderPlaceholder label on inputString'Select options...'
      stateError stateStringnull
    • Events

      | Name | Description | Parameters |
      | ``input`` | Triggers when a option has been selected | Array of selected options |


    • Properties

      | Name | Description | Type | Default|
      | ``options`` | Array of options | Array | [{label: 'Default, value: false}] |


    • Properties

      | Name | Description | Type | Default|
      | ``options`` | Array of options | Array | - |


      The properties and events linked to this component are those already existing the InputMixin.js file. For a better explanation about this, check the Input Mixin section of this docs and Vue Mixins on VueJS official docs


      Similar to InputFormCalendar, this components uses the format function of date-fns library. Make sure to check it!

    • Properties

      hoursLabelLabel for hours displayString'Hours'
      minutesLabelLabel for minutes displayString'Minutes'
      secondsLabelLabel for seconds displayString'Seconds
      readonlySets read only state on inputBooleanfalse
      stateError stateStringnull
      buttonsVariantVariant of buttons' colorString'is-info'
      hoursIntervalIncrement / Decrement interval for hoursNumber1
      minutesIntervalIncrement / Decrement interval for minutesNumber1
      secondsIntervalIncrement / Decrement interval for secondsNumber1
      valueChosen timeStringnull
      formatTime formatString'HH:mm'
    • Events

      inputEmits an event when input is madeevent
      selected-timeEmits and event with the current timedisplayed time
  • Layout


    • Properties

      menuArray of labels and links for the sidebar menuArray-
      messagesUI array of messagesArray-
      userLogged in user's dataObject-
      sidebarExpandedsidebar expansion flagBoolean-
      titleDisplayed name on desktop viewportString'Admin'
      shortTitleDisplayed name on mobile viewportString'A'
    • Events

      | Name | Description | Parameters |
      | ``messageDismissed`` | Triggered on message close event | message id |
      | ``toggle-sidebar`` | Triggered on sidebar expansion | - |
      | ``logout-confimed`` | Triggered when 'ok' button is clicked on logout | - |


    • Properties

      userUser's data objectObject-
      expandedExpansion state of navbarBoolean-
      canToggleSidebarWhether or not can be toggled the sidebarBooleantrue
      titleNavigation bar name on desktop viewportString-
      shortTitleNavigation bar name on mobile viewportString-
      localesAvailable translation for your pageArray-
      colorNavigation bar colorString'light'
    • Events

      | Name | Description | Parameters |
      | ``toggle-sidebar`` | Triggered on sidebar expansion | - |
      | ``logout`` | Triggered when logout option is clicked | - |


      This component does not make use of, instead, it uses a slot that can be changed to any content you want. So, as long as you footer content is inside of a footer renderer tag, your content will always behave as expected. For example:

            <div class="myClass"> <h2> My header </h2>< /div>


    • Properties

      | Name | Description | Type | Default|
      | ``items`` | Menu items to render | Array | - |
      | ``expanded`` | Whether or not the menu is expanded | Boolean | true |


    • Properties

      | Name | Description | Type | Default|
      | ``label`` | Menu item label | String | - |
      | ``to`` | Router link | Object, String | - |
      | ``icon`` | Item icon | Object, String | - |
      | ``children`` | Array of children items of current parent item | Array | - |
      | ``mini`` | Whether or not should be renderer the miniature version of the item | Boolean | - |


      This components uses slots to render a sort of grid defined by rows and columns. Each "tile" will be the space taken by the specified slot where your content will render:

        <dashboard-renderer rows="1" columns="2">
            <template v-slot:tile_1_1>
                <p>Here's some content for the tile intersected between row 1 and column 1</p>
            <template v-slot:tile_1_2>
                <p>And another one on the tile intersected between row 1 and column 2</p>

      You can add as many tiles as your grid allows. However, tiles that dont exist in the current grid wont be rendered at all since the slot for that tile doesn't exist.

    • Properties

      rowsAmount of rows in gridNumber0
      columnsAmount of columns on each rowNumber0
      isMultilineApply 'is-multiline' Bulma class to all rowsBooleantrue
      sampleRender sample content in dashboardBooleanfalse
  • Form


    • Properties

      formVarStores content for every field in formObject-
      fieldsArray of fields to render on formArray-
      errorsStores errors associated to a fieldObject-
      readonlySets read only state on form fieldBoolean-
      loadingSets loading state on form fieldBooleanfalse
      showDividerRender a divider between fields and buttonsBooleantrue
      buttonsAlignmentAlignment of buttonsString'left'
      submitButtonTextLabel on submit buttonString'actions.save'
      submitButtonVariantColor variant of submit buttonString'is-primary'
      submitButtonIconIcon of the submit buttonObject{ icon: 'check' }
      cancelButtonTextLabel on cancel buttonString'actions.cancel'
      cancelButtonVariantColor variant of cancel buttonStringnull
      cancelButtonIconIcon of the cancel buttonObject{ icon: 'angle-left' }
      backButtonTextLabel on back buttonString'actions.goBack'
      backButtonVariantColor variant of back buttonString'is-info'
      backButtonIconIcon of the back buttonObject{ icon: 'angle-left' }
      showCancelShow cancel buttonBooleantrue
      showSubmitShow submit buttonBooleantrue
      showBackShow back buttonBooleantrue
    • Events

      | Name | Description | Parameters |
      | ``fieldChanged`` | Triggered on field's input event | - |
      | ``cancel`` | On cancel of back button click | - |
      | ``submit`` | When submit button is clicked | - |


    • Properties

      This components also uses the [Input Mixin](#input-mixin).
      | Name | Description | Type | Default|
      | ``append`` | Appended addon of field | Array | - |
      | ``prepend`` | Prepended addon of field | Array | - |
      | ``help`` | Help text | String | - |


    • Properties

      iconOnlyOnly show an icon on the buttonBooleanfalse
      rightAdd an icon to the rightBoolean-
      iconIcon of choiceObject, Stringnull
  • Miscellaneous


    This component wraps around the font-awesome-icon and unicon components. If any of those icon packs are chosen then the Icon component will render any of those depending on the passed properties. For mdi, a simple <i> tag es render with the correct classes to display the icons.

    • Properties

      | Name | Description | Type | Default|
      | ``unicons`` | Set true if you want to use (and have installed) unicons icon pack | Boolean | false |
      | ``material`` | Use material icons | Boolean | false |
      | ``mdi`` | Use Material Design Icons | Boolean | false |
      | ``iconStyle`` | Sets the icon style | String | 'line' |
      | ``icon`` | Icon's name | String, Array | null |
      | ``spin`` | Set spinning state if available | Boolean | false |
      | ``outlined`` | Sets outlined style of icon (material, mdi) | Boolean | false |


    • Properties

      itemsTable itemsArray-
      idFieldName of ID columnString'id'
      loadingTable loading stateBooleanfalse
      hoverMake hoverable rowsBooleanfalse
      emptyIconIcon shown when table is emptyStringnull
      emptyMessageMessage shown when table is emptyString'Nothing to show...'
      allowPaginationShow paginationBooleanfalse
      totalPagesTotal amount of pages on whole listNumber1
      currentPageCurrent displayed pageNumber1
      canCreateShow create buttonBooleantrue
      canReloadShow reload buttonBooleantrue
      canChangePageSizeAllows page sizingBooleantrue
      createButtonTextCreate button labelStringnew
      createButtonPropsSets the create button type and iconObject{ type: 'is-success', icon: 'plus'}
      fieldsTable columnsArray-
      actionsAllowed actions on each rowArray-
      sortFieldsColumn used to sort rowsStringnull
      sortDirectionSorting orderString'asc'
      filtersContent used for filteringObject-
      filtersFieldsColumns used for filteringArray-
    • Events

      | Name | Description | Parameters |
      | ``refresh`` | Triggered when refresh button is clicked | - |
      | ``pageChanged`` | Triggered when page is changed on pagination | event |


    • Properties

      pageSizesPermitted page sizesArray1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 50, 100
      currentPageCurrent page markerNumber1
      totalPagesTotal amount of pages on listNumber1
    • Events

      | Name | Description | Parameters |
      | ``pageSizeChanged`` | Triggered on page size selection | new page size |


      Each message properties object has the following structure: { id, type, text }. Every props object is a message on its own, being: id, the message ID; type, the message color variant on Bulma colors; and text, the string describing the message itself.

    • Properties

      messagesArray of Objects containing messages propsArray-
    • Events

      messageDismissedOn message close actionDismissed message id

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