1.0.1 • Published 2 years ago

@arabyzy/cypress-testrail-reporter v1.0.1

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Last release
2 years ago


This little tool will help you to parse and post cypress test results to testrail.

This repo is forked from sumcumo/cypress-testrail-reporter as a temp compatibility with cypress v10.

Usage of this repo is exact the same as sumcumo/cypress-testrail-reporter except it read config from testrailReporter.json instead of cypress.json since cypress v10 use a js/ts config file.


This tools works with Mochawesome Json Reports. So please make sure you have the following packages installed:

yarn add --dev mocha mochawesome mochawesome-merge

Example Configuration of the Mochawesome Reporter (cypress.json):

    "reporter": "mochawesome",
    "reporterOptions": {
        "reportDir": "test/cypress/results",
        "reportFilename": "mochawesomeReport.json",
        "overwrite": false,
        "html": false,
        "json": true

This tool internally uses @sum.cumo/Node-TestRail (https://github.com/sumcumo/Node-TestRail) as Testrail API Client.


yarn add --dev @arabyzy/cypress-testrail-reporter

Testrail Case Ids

In order to link you cypress tests to testrail cases it's required to provide the actual Testrail CaseId(s) in your tests title. Example:

it('should do something [123]', () => {})


describe('Feature Tests [123]', () => {

  it('should do something', () => {})

The above examples will link the results of the test to a case C123 (C is the testrail Case Prefix. Case IDs are numerical)


The Testrail Reporter gets its config from your testrailReporter.json and / or provided cli arguments.

Configuration via testrailReporter.json

Add a testrailReporter section to your Cypress Config. You can provide the following:

projectIdThe ID of your Testrail Project
suiteIdTestrails Suite Id
branchReferenceRegexThis Reporter will create JIRA References if this regex is matching your Branch name
hostThe Address of your running Testrail Application (API)
usernameA Username for Authentication against Testrail API
passwordThe corresponding password or API token
reportFilenameThe relative path to your mochawesome report, eg ./test/cypress/results/result.json
includeAll .Whether include all test cases to current test run, Default: false


    "testrailReporter": {
        "projectId": "1",
        "suiteId": "2",
        "branchReferenceRegex": "((feat|chore)-\\d*)",
        "host": "https://example.testrail.io/",
        "user": "some@one.com",
        "password": "YOUR_PASSWORD",
        "includeAll": true

Configuration via CLI Arguments

You can also provide the arguments name password and host within the cli like

yarn cypress-testrail-reporter --user some@one.com --password YOUR_PASSWORD --host https://example.testrail.io/


As soon as your Mochawesome Report was generated you can execute the following

yarn cypress-testrail-reporter --name NAME_OF_YOUR_TESTRUN

This will create a new or update an existing Testrun with the given name and will report all results found in your Mochawesome Report.


yarn cypress-testrail-reporter --name NAME_OF_YOUR_TESTRUN --attach test/cypress/results/report.html --assets test/cypress/videos test/cypress/screenshots --assetsArchiveName CUSTOM_NAME_FOR_YOUR_ARCHIVE

This will create a new or update an existing Testrun with the given name and will report all results found in your Mochawesome Report. Afterwards it will attach a report.html to this run and create an archive containing all provided assets and attach it as well.

nameThe Name of your Testrail Run
suiteIdTestrails suite Id
reportFilenameThe relative path to your report (from process.cwd).Example: result.json Default: testrailReporter.reportFilename
closeRunWhether to close the run automatically or not. Default: false
hostThe Address of your running Testrail Application (API)
usernameA Username for Authentication against Testrail API
passwordThe corresponding password
assetsProvide Assets Paths if you want to attach them to a run
assetsArchiveNameProvide a custom archive Name. Default: cypressAssets
attachProvide further attachments like reports

Further Details:

yarn cypress-testrail-reporter --help

CI Integration

This Reporter is intended to be used in your CI / CD Pipeline.

Integration Test:
   - yarn cypress # Run your cypress tests
   - yarn cypress-testrail-reporter --name $CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG --user $TESTRAIL_USERNAME --password $TESTRAIL_PASSWORD

The Example above will report result for the current branch and uses global variables for authentication. So you don't have to store credentials within your project and can use Gitlab CI Variables instead.