0.0.5 • Published 7 months ago

@arcade2earn.dev/wormhole-connect v0.0.5

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7 months ago

Wormhole Connect

Integration does not get easier than this. Wormhole Connect is an easy seamless experience that will help to bring all the functionality of the Wormhole Token Bridge right into your application.

Integrate with script/link tags

We recommend that you configure your own custom RPC endpoints for each used network for the best performance. The default public RPCs may be throttled or rate limited.

Osmosis support is in beta, reach out to a Wormhole contributor for early access.

1. (Optional) Create a JSON config with customized values:

  "env": "testnet",
  "networks": ["goerli", "mumbai"],
  "tokens": ["ETH", "WETH", "MATIC", "WMATIC"],
  "mode": "light",
  "customTheme": {} // see src/theme.ts

Accepted values

Environment (env): | Mainnet | Testnet | | ---------- | --------- | | mainnet | testnet |

Networks (networks): | Mainnet | Testnet | | ---------- | ------------- | | ethereum | goerli | | polygon | mumbai | | bsc | bsc | | avalanche | fuji | | celo | avalanche | | moonbeam | moonbasealpha | | solana | solana | | sui | sui | | aptos | aptos | | base | basegoerli | | osmosis | osmosis | | evmos | evmos | | kujira | kujira |

Tokens (tokens): | Mainnet | Testnet | | ----------- | -------- | | ETH | ETH | | WETH | WETH | | USDCeth | USDCeth | | WBTC | | | USDT | | | DAI | | | BUSD | | | MATIC | MATIC | | WMATIC | WMATIC | | USDCpolygon | | | BNB | BNB | | WBNB | WBNB | | USDCbnb | | | AVAX | AVAX | | WAVAX | WAVAX | | USDCavax | USDCavax | | FTM | FTM | | WFTM | WFTM | | CELO | CELO | | GLMR | GLMR | | WGLMR | WGLMR | | SOL | WSOL | | SUI | SUI | | USDCsol | | | APT | APT | | ETHarbitrum | ETHarbitrum| | WETHarbitrum | WETHarbitrum| | USDCarbitrum | USDCarbitrum| | ETHoptimism | ETHoptimism| | WETHoptimism | WETHoptimism| | USDCoptimism | USDCoptimism| | ETHbase | ETHbase | | WETHbase | WETHbase |

Routes (routes) | Mainnet | Testnet | | -------- | ---------| | bridge | bridge | | relay | relay | | cctpManual | cctpManual | | cctpRelay | cctpRelay | | cosmosGateway | cosmosGateway |

Mode (mode): | | | | ---- | ----- | | dark | light |

Theme (customTheme)

See theme.ts for examples

2. Add your config

Add a container div with the id wormhole-connect. This is where the bridge will be rendered.

<div id="wormhole-connect" />

If you created a config from step 1, stringify it and assign to the config attribute on the container element.


2. Add a script and link tag

<!-- paste below into index.html body -->
<script src="https://www.unpkg.com/@wormhole-foundation/wormhole-connect@0.0.12/dist/main.js"></script>

Note that the wormhole-connect div with your config has to be present before the scripts are loaded. If your application loads it after, you may need to add the scripts like this:

function mount() {
  const script = document.createElement("script");
  script.src =
  script.async = true;

  const link = document.createElement("link");
  link.href =


Integrate with React

import WormholeBridge from "@wormhole-foundation/wormhole-connect";
function App() {
  return <WormholeBridge />;

(Optional) Specify supported networks/tokens and custom RPC endpoints. Your users may encounter rate limits using public RPC endpoints if you do not provide your own

import WormholeBridge, {
} from "@wormhole-foundation/wormhole-connect";
const config: WormholeConnectConfig = {
  env: "mainnet",
  networks: ["ethereum", "polygon", "solana"],
  tokens: ["ETH", "WETH", "MATIC", "WMATIC"],
  rpcs: {
    ethereum: "https://rpc.ankr.com/eth",
    solana: "https://rpc.ankr.com/solana",

function App() {
  return <WormholeBridge config={config} />;

(Optional) Customize theme

import WormholeBridge, {
} from "@wormhole-foundation/wormhole-connect";
import lightblue from "@mui/material/colors/lightBlue";

// alters the `light` theme
const customized: Theme = light;
customized.success = lightblue;
customized.background.default = "transparent";
customized.button.action = "#81c784";
customized.button.actionText = "#000000";

const config: WormholeConnectConfig = {
  mode: "light",
  customTheme: customized,

function App() {
  return <WormholeBridge config={config} />;

(Optional) Create fully customized theme

import WormholeBridge, {
} from "@wormhole-foundation/wormhole-connect";
import lightblue from "@mui/material/colors/lightBlue";
import grey from "@mui/material/colors/grey";
import green from "@mui/material/colors/green";
import orange from "@mui/material/colors/orange";

const customized: Theme = {
  primary: grey,
  secondary: grey,
  divider: "#ffffff" + OPACITY[20],
  background: {
    default: "#232323",
  text: {
    primary: "#ffffff",
    secondary: grey[500],
  error: red,
  info: lightblue,
  success: green,
  warning: orange,
  button: {
    primary: "#ffffff" + OPACITY[20],
    primaryText: "#ffffff",
    disabled: "#ffffff" + OPACITY[10],
    disabledText: "#ffffff" + OPACITY[40],
    action: orange[300],
    actionText: "#000000",
    hover: "#ffffff" + OPACITY[7],
  options: {
    hover: "#474747",
    select: "#5b5b5b",
  card: {
    background: "#333333",
    secondary: "#474747",
    elevation: "none",
  popover: {
    background: "#1b2033",
    secondary: "#ffffff" + OPACITY[5],
    elevation: "none",
  modal: {
    background: "#474747",
const config: WormholeConnectConfig = {
  mode: "dark",
  customTheme: customized,

function App() {
  return <WormholeBridge config={config} />;

7 months ago


7 months ago


7 months ago