3.0.14 • Published 2 years ago

@astral/react-intersection-list v3.0.14

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2 years ago

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Agent Smith: ...we have no choice but to continue as planned. Deploy the sentinels. Immediately.

React Intersection List builds on top of React Intersection Observer, using a sentinel in the DOM to deliver a high-performance and smooth scrolling experience, even on low-end devices.

Getting Started

$ npm install --save @researchgate/react-intersection-list

And optionally the polyfill:

$ npm install --save intersection-observer

Next create a <List> and two instance methods as props children and itemRenderer:

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import List from '@researchgate/react-intersection-list';

export default class InfiniteList extends Component {
  itemsRenderer = (items, ref) => (
    <ul className="list" ref={ref}>

  itemRenderer = (index, key) => <li key={key}>{index}</li>;

  render() {
    return (

Note that <List> is a PureComponent so it can keep itself from re-rendering. It's highly recommended to avoid creating new functions for renderItem and itemsRenderer so that it can successfully shallow compare props on re-render.

Why React Intersection List?

The approach to infinite scrolling was commonly done by devs implementing throttled scroll event callbacks. This keeps the main thread unnecessarily busy... No more! IntersectionObservers invoke callbacks in a low-priority and asynchronous way by design.

Agent Smith: Never send a human to do a machine's job.

The implementation follows these steps:

  1. Add a sentinel close to the last item in the list
  2. Update the list moving the internal cursor
  3. Trigger a callback when the sentinel comes into view
  4. Reposition the recycled sentinel at the end
  5. Repeat (∞) ?


How to

Provided an itemsRenderer prop you must attach the ref argument to your scrollable DOM element:

<div ref={ref}>{items}</div>

This element specifies overflow: auto|scroll and it'll become the IntersectionObserver root. If the overflow property isn't found, then window will be used as the root instead.

The sentinel element is by default detached from the list when the current size reaches the available length, unless you're using awaitMore. In case your list is in memory and you rely on the list for incremental rendering only, the default detaching behavior suffices. If you're loading more items in an asynchoronous way, make sure you switch awaitMore once you reach the total length (bottom of the list).

The prop itemCount must be used if the prop items is not provided, and viceversa. Calculating the list size is done by adding the current size and the page size until the items' length is reached.



renderItem/children(index: number, key: number) => React.Element(index, key) => <div key={key}>{index}</div>render function as children or render props;gets call once for each item.
itemsRenderer(items: Array(React.Element), ref: HTMLElement) => React.Element(items, ref) => <div ref={ref}>{items}</div>render function for the list'sroot element, often returning a scrollable element.
itemCount/itemsnumber/Array (or Iterable Object)0item count to render.
awaitMorebooleanif true keeps the sentinel from detaching.
onIntersection(size: number, pageSize: number) => voidinvoked when the sentinel comes into view.
thresholdstring100pxvalue in absolute px or %as spacing before the sentinel hits the edge of the list's viewport.
axisstringyscroll direction: y == vertical and x == horizontal
pageSizenumber10number of items to render each hit.
initialIndexnumber0start position of iterator of items.


Find multiple examples under: https://researchgate.github.io/react-intersection-list/


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