@atmc/gatsby-plugin v0.2.13
Atomic CSS-in-JS with a featherweight runtime.
Introduction through examples
The code snippets below are deliberately framework-agnostic. Please refer to the project's repository for information about integrations.
Basic concepts of atomicity
import { css } from "@atmc/core";
// Style rules are auto-injected to a `<style>` element in the `<head>`
document.querySelector("#element-1").className = css({ color: "red" });
document.querySelector("#element-2").className = css({ color: "blue" });
// Class names of identical rules match, as guaranteed by a hash function
console.assert(css({ color: "red" }) === css({ color: " red " }));
// In this case, a space-separated string of unique class names is returned
document.querySelector("#element-3").className = css({
color: "red", // Reuses previously injected style
":hover": {
color: "blue" // Newly injected because of the enclosing pseudo selector
Numbers assigned to non-unitless properties are postfixed with "px"
document.querySelector("#element-4").className = css({
padding: 8, // Translates to "8px"
lineHeight: 1.5 // Translates to "1.5" without a unit
At-rules like media queries can be used and combined with pseudos
document.querySelector("#element-5").className = css({
"@media": {
"(min-width: 600px)": {
color: "rebeccapurple",
":hover": {
background: "papayawhip"
"(min-width: 1000px)": {
color: "teal"
Fallback values are accepted when auto-prefixing isn't enough
document.querySelector("#element-6").className = css({
display: "flex",
justifyContent: ["space-around", "space-evenly"] // Last takes precedence
Using keyframes to animate values of given properties over time
// A unique name is attached to the generated `@keyframes` rule
const pulse = keyframes({
from: { opacity: 0 },
to: { opacity: 1 }
// The former rule only gets injected upon usage, as it's lazily initialized
const className = css({
animation: `${pulse} 3s infinite alternate`
Advanced selectors may be used as an escape hatch from strict atomicity
const className = css({
display: "flex",
selectors: {
// Always start with "&", representing the parent rule
// See: https://drafts.csswg.org/css-nesting/#nest-selector
"& > * + *": {
marginLeft: 16
// In a comma-separated list, each individual selector shall start with "&"
"&:focus, &:active": {
outline: "solid"
Server-side rendering
While prerendering a page, browser object models are inaccessible and thus, styles cannot be injected dynamically. However, a VirtualInjector
can collect the styles instead of applying them through injection, as seen in the Next.js example:
import { setup } from "@atmc/core";
import {
} from "@atmc/core/server";
// Options may be customized, as shown later
export const sharedOptions = {};
const injector = VirtualInjector();
// Shall be called before the underlying page is rendered
setup({ ...sharedOptions, injector });
// Obtain HTML code of the page
let html = renderToString(element);
// Statically insert collected styles as the last element of `<head>`
const styleTag = getStyleTag(filterOutUnusedRules(injector, page.html));
html = html.replace("</head>", styleTag + "</head>");
During runtime, the same options should be provided before hydration, as shown below:
import { hydrate, setup } from "@atmc/core";
import { sharedOptions } from "./server";
// Make sure to rehydrate only in browser environments
if (typeof window !== "undefined") {
Deno support
For convenient resolution of the library, an import map should be used. Unlike with Node, development and production builds are separated into different bundles.
/* import_map.json */
"imports": {
"@atmc/core/dev": "https://cdn.pika.dev/@atmc/core@X.Y.Z/runtime-deno-dev",
"@atmc/core": "https://cdn.pika.dev/@atmc/core@X.Y.Z/runtime-deno"
deno run --importmap=import_map.json --unstable mod.ts
User-specified data shall be escaped manually using CSS.escape()
or an equivalent method.
Injector options
In order to prevent harmful code injection on the web, a Content Security Policy (CSP) may be put in place. During server-side rendering, a cryptographic nonce (number used once) may be embedded when generating a page on demand:
import { VirtualInjector } from "@atmc/core/server";
// Usage with webpack: https://webpack.js.org/guides/csp/
const injector = VirtualInjector({ nonce: __webpack_nonce__ });
The same nonce
parameter should be supplied to the client-side injector:
import { CSSOMInjector, DOMInjector, setup } from "@atmc/core";
const isDev = process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production";
injector: isDev
? DOMInjector({ nonce: __webpack_nonce__ })
: CSSOMInjector({ nonce: __webpack_nonce__ })
Changes the destination of the injected rules. By default, a <style id="__@atmc/core">
element in the <head>
during runtime, which gets created if unavailable.
Instance options
A custom auto-prefixer method may be used as a replacement for the built-in tiny-css-prefixer
import { setup } from "@atmc/core";
import { prefix as stylisPrefix } from "stylis"; // v4
// A custom solution which weighs more than the default
prefix: (property, value) => {
const declaration = `${property}:${value};`;
return (
// The trailing `;` is removed for cleaner results
stylisPrefix(declaration, property.length).slice(0, -1)
Instance creation
Separate instances of @atmc/core are necessary when managing styles of multiple browsing contexts (e.g. an <iframe>
besides the main document). This option should be used along with a custom target
for injection:
import { createInstance, CSSOMInjector } from "@atmc/core";
const iframeDocument = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe")[0]
export const instance = createInstance();
injector: CSSOMInjector({
// Make sure this node exists or create it on the fly if necessary
target: iframeDocument.getElementById("@atmc/core")
What's missing
Global styles
Being unique by nature, non-scoped styles should not be decomposed into atomic rules. This library doesn't support injecting global styles, as they may cause unexpected side-effects. However, ordinary CSS can still be used for style sheet normalization and defining the values of CSS Custom Properties.
Contrary to @atmc/core-managed styles, CSS referenced from a <link>
tag may persist in the cache during page changes. Global styles are suitable for application-wide styling (e.g. normalization/reset), while inlining the scoped rules generated by @atmc/core accounts for faster page transitions due to the varying nature of per-page styles.
By omitting global styling functionality on purpose, @atmc/core can maintain its low bundle footprint while also encouraging performance-focused development patterns.
Many CSS-in-JS libraries tend to ship their own theming solutions. Contrary to others, @atmc/core doesn't embrace a single recommended method, leaving more choices for developers. Concepts below are encouraged:
- CSS Custom Properties (with a polyfill for IE 11)
- A singleton or value providers (e.g. React Context)