1.0.0-beta.9 • Published 3 years ago

@ayanaware/bento-rest v1.0.0-beta.9

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Last release
3 years ago


A Bento Plugin that makes building REST APIs easy. BentoREST uses koa and @koa/router behind the scenes.

BentoREST Variables

Bento Variables are used to change the behavior of BentoREST. They can be set various different ways. Some common ways are to use Bento's built in VariableLoader or VariableFileLoader plugins. You can also bring your own plugin or alternativly directly inject values via Bento.setVariable().

Note: While some variables are dynamic and BentoREST reacts as soon as you update them. Some are not. This means BentoREST expects you to set all Variables you care about before `Bento.addPlugin()

BENTOREST_PORTnumberPort to listen on3000
BENTOREST_TRACEbooleanAdd BentoREST X- headers. ie: X-Bento-Version, X-Component-Nametrue


BentoREST uses Typescript Decorators to build your REST application.


The Router decorator should be used on Bento Entities. It's optional and allows you to define RouterOptions on a per-entity Basis.


The Middleware decorator allows you to add per-entity Koa middleware. If used a priority must be specififed. Priority determines the order that middleware will take effect. The smallest number is ran first. Followed by the next smallest. And so on

@Map(method, path)

The Map decorator is used to define routes. There is also some convince decorators such as @GET(path), @POST(path), @DELETE(path). These simply alias @Map behind the scenes.

