1.0.7 • Published 4 years ago
@ayerin/ddd-pack v1.0.7
Domain Driven Design Seedwork
This library is about to be used as a DDD base components for RentSpree next-generation application built with ES2020 TypeScript module
DDD.Core Folder 1. AggregateRoot Contract 2. Base Repository Contract 3. Base DataMapper Contract 4. Entity Abstract Class 5. Value Object Abstract Class 6. Barrel file
Directory Structure
│ tsconfig.json
│ rollup.config.js
│ tsconfig.json
│ rollup.config.js
│ jest.config.js
│ .gitlab-ci-yml
│ .prettierrc
│ .babelrc
│ .eslintrc.js
└─── src
│ └── DDD.Core
│ │ IAggregateRoot.ts
│ │ IRepository.ts
│ │ IDataMapper.ts
│ │ Entity.ts
│ │ ValueObject.ts
│ │ index.ts
│ index.ts