0.0.3 • Published 1 year ago

@azoyalabs/fns-client v0.0.3

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1 year ago


The Azoyalabs fns-client library provides a convenient way to interact with the Fetch Name Service smart contract on the Fetch.ai blockchain.

The library exposes two main functions for creating clients to query and interact with the smart contract: createQueryClient and createSigningClient.


Install the library via your package manager of choice:

npm install @azoyalabs/fns-client


You can use either a SigningCosmWasmClient to interact with the contract or a regular CosmWasmClient if you only need to read the contract's state.

import {
} from "@cosmjs/cosmwasm-stargate";

import {
} from "@azoyalabs/fns-client";

Creating a Query Client

The createQueryClient function allows you to create a read-only client to query the Fetch Name System smart contract. Here's how you can use it:

const client = new CosmWasmClient("https://rpc-fetchhub.fetch.ai:443");
const network = "mainnet"; // or "testnet"
const queryClient = createQueryClient(client, network);

The createQueryClient function takes a CosmWasmClient instance and the network ("mainnet" or "testnet") as parameters and returns a FetchNameSystemQueryClient instance.

Creating a Signing Client

The createSigningClient function enables you to create a client that can interact with the Fetch Name System smart contract by creating and sending CosmWasm messages. This client is also able to do everything the Query Client can.

Here's an example:

const client = new SigningCosmWasmClient("https://rpc-fetchhub.fetch.ai:443", signer);
const sender = "fetch1a....";
const network = "mainnet"; // or "testnet"

const signingClient = createSigningClient(client, sender, network);

The createSigningClient function takes a SigningCosmWasmClient instance, the sender address, and the network ("mainnet" or "testnet") as parameters. It returns a FetchNameSystemClient instance.

Querying the Primary Domain

Retrieve the primary domain set by a user for their Fetch.ai address:

const userAddress = "fetch1b";

const response = await signingClient.getPrimary({ userAddress });
console.log(response); // "primary domain" || null if not set

More info is available on the documentation.


Most of the code contained in this repository is generated from the FNS smart contract.

Follow these steps to set up a development environment:

Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/Azoyalabs/fns-client.git

Install dependencies:

cd fns-client
npm install

We use vitest as our test runner. You can run tests with the following command:

npm test

Submit a pull request with your changes.

Known issues


This library is released under the MIT License.


1 year ago


1 year ago


1 year ago