6.6.1 • Published 7 years ago

@barbershopio/sprucebot-skills-kit v6.6.1

Weekly downloads
Last release
7 years ago

Your skill's title

Greenkeeper badge Describe the experience you wish to create from the perspective of the guest, owner, or teammate...

Technical overview

Describe how your skill works for anyone who may need to come in and maintain or add to it. Example; Hooks into did-enter and sends a message to a teammate.


  • vip - Tells us who to send to.


  • rewards - Does something else.

Sequelize Adapter

Allow your skill to an external sql database.

  • In .env enable with DB_ENABLED=true
  • Configure the DB_MIGRATIONS=true to enable automatically running migrations
  • Create server/models/Example.js from .example
  • Setup a migration to build the table in server/migrations/*_example.js#up() from .example

All of your models are available via koa ctx.db.models.Example.* and ctx.db.sequelize.*

We also ship with three "Core" models ctx.db.models.User ctx.db.models.Location ctx.db.models.UserLocation

Custom events

Describe any custom events your skill emits. Make sure you include whether or not it honors preventDefault and include the payload's schema.


Just before a vip alert is triggered when a guest or teammate arrives. Honors preventDefault. Mutate messages to your heart's content. Whatever messages you return will be what is sent.


        teammateId: UUID4, // teammate receiving the alert
        body: String // the message
        teammateId: UUID4, // teammate receiving the alert
        body: String // the message


This event can be configured to remind teammates to do something, or if none of the settings are set yet, remind the owner to either finish their settings or turn off the skill.


    teammate: ctx.event, // teammate receiving the alert
    body: String // the message


This is just a placeholder for now, put in yours! Honors preventDefault.


    hello: 'world'


  • Describe anything else dev's should know when working on your skill.


  • John Doe
  • Billy Joe
  • Tom Snow