0.3.1 • Published 3 years ago

@barusu/tool-restful-api v0.3.1

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Last release
3 years ago


  • In brief, the purpose of this project is to achieve: ts type -> JSON-Schema -> mock data -> restful mock-server

    • ts type -> JSON-Schema: That is, the types defined using typescript are converted to JSON-Schema, see typescript-json-schema

    • JSON-SCHEMA -> mock-data: That is to generate mock data through json-schema, see json-schema-faker

    • mock-data -> mock-server: That is, define the relationship between the model (JSON-Schema or ts type) and the API is in some configuration files, and through these configurations to generate a restful-style mock server

  • This tool provides three sub-commands: init, generate and serve

    • The init sub-command generates a template project, changes the configuration and adding or deleting models as needed to quickly generate a mock server

    • The generate sub-command parses the configuration file and generates a JSON-Schema for the specified model. You can copy the JSON-Schema into a platform similar to yapi which support importing JSON-Schema to quickly define the request or response models in the API page.

    • The serve sub-command parses the configuration file to generate a mock server

      • You can specify the directory of the mock data file, so that the files under this file directory are preferentially proxyed as the response data;
      • In addition, serve also supports custom routing, which is based on koa and @koa/router. If you want to support custom routing while generating mock server, see below

  • 简单地来说,这个工程的目的是实现:ts 类型 --> JSON-Schema --> mock data --> restful mock-server

    • ts 类型 --> JSON-Schema: 即把 ts 定义的类型转为 JSON-Schema,可见 typescript-json-schema

    • JSON-SCHEMA --> mock-data: 即通过 json-schema 生成 mock 数据,可见 json-schema-faker

    • mock-data --> mock-server: 即通过配置文件定义模型(JSON-Schema 或 ts 类型)和 api 的关系,以生成 restful 风格的 mock 服务器

  • 该工具提供了三个子命令:initgenerateserve

    • init 子命令生成一个模板工程,按需更改配置和增添模型,以快速生成 mock server

    • generate 子命令解析配置文件,将指定的模型生成 JSON-Schema,你可以将该 JSON-Schema 拷贝进类似 yapi 的支持导入 JSON-Schema 的平台中,即可快速定义接口文档中的请求/响应对象

    • serve 子命令解析配置文件,生成一个 mock server

      • 你可以指定 mock data 文件的目录,使得优先代理此文件目录下的文件作为响应数据;
      • 此外,serve 还支持自定义路由,它基于 koa@koa/router,如果你想要在生成 mock server 的同时还支持自定义路由的话,可参见下文


npm install -g @barusu/tool-restful-api
  • yarn

    yarn global add @barusu/tool-restful-api

Cli Usage

# Init mock server project
$ barusu-rapit init demo-mock-server --log-level verbose

# # or use with npx
# $ npx @barusu/tool-restful-api init demo-mock-server -- --log-level verbose

$ cd demo-mock-server
$ yarn serve:cli


$ barusu-rapit --help
Usage: barusu-rapit [options] [command]

  -V, --version                                     output the version number
  --log-level <level>                               specify logger's level.
  --log-name <name>                                 specify logger's name.
  --log-mode <'normal' | 'loose'>                   specify logger's name.
  --log-flag <option>                               specify logger' option. [[no-]<date|colorful|inline>] (default: [])
  --log-output <filepath>                           specify logger' output path.
  --log-encoding <encoding>                         specify output file encoding.
  -c, --config-path <configFilepath>                config filepaths (default: [])
  --parastic-config-path <parasticConfigFilepath>   parastic config filepath
  --parastic-config-entry <parasticConfigFilepath>  parastic config filepath
  -h, --help                                        display help for command

  init|i <workspace>
  generate|g [options] <workspace>
  serve|s [options] <workspace>
  help [command]                                    display help for command


$ barusu-rapit init --help
Usage: barusu-rapit init|i [options] <workspace>

  -h, --help  display help for command


$ barusu-rapit generate --help
Usage: barusu-rapit generate|g [options] <workspace>

  -C, --api-config-path <api-config-path>  filepath of api-item config (glob patterns / strings) (default: [])
  -s, --schema-root-path <schemaRootPath>  root path of schema files
  --mute-missing-model                     quiet when model not found
  --clean                                  clean schema folders before generate.
  -h, --help                               display help for command


$ barusu-rapit serve --help
Usage: barusu-rapit serve|s [options] <workspace>

  -C, --api-config-path <api-config-path>              filepath of api-item config (glob patterns / strings) (default: [])
  -s, --schema-root-path <schemaRootPath>              root path of schema files
  -h, --host <host>                                    specify the ip/domain address to which the mock-server listens.
  -p, --port <port>                                    specify the port on which the mock-server listens.
  --prefix-url <prefixUrl>                             specify the prefix url of routes.
  --mock-required-only                                 json-schema-faker's option `requiredOnly`
  --mock-optionals-always                              json-schema-faker's option `alwaysFakeOptionals`
  --mock-optionals-probability <optionalsProbability>  json-schema-faker's option `optionalsProbability`
  --mock-data-prefix-url <mockDataPrefixUrl>           base url of mock data files
  --mock-data-root-dir <mockDataRootDir>               specify the root dirpath of mock data files
  --mock-resource-prefix-url <mockResourcePrefixUrl>   base url of resource files
  --mock-resource-root-dir <mockResourceRootDir>       specify the root dirpath of resource files
  --help                                               display help for command
  • If mockDataRootDir is specified, and the http verb of the current request is recorded as httpMethod and the url path is recorded as httpPath (not including prefixUrl), the following mock data path will be tried:
    • <httpPath>__<httpMethod>
    • <httpPath>__<httpMethod>.json
    • <httpPath>
    • <httpPath>.json

Programming Usage

yarn add --dev @barusu/tool-restful-api
# or use npm: npm install --save-dev @barusu/tool-restful-api
  • Omit files defined in Demo...

  • create a script file named script/server.ts, and add content like this:

    import path from 'path'
    import chalk from 'chalk'
    import Router from '@koa/router'
    import {
    } from '@barusu/tool-restful-api'
    async function serve () {
      const program = createProgram()
      const promise = new Promise<RestfulApiServeContext>(resolve => {
          async (options: SubCommandServeOptions): Promise<void> => {
            const context: RestfulApiServeContext =
              await createRestfulApiServeContextFromOptions(options)
      const projectDir = path.resolve()
      const args = [
      console.log(chalk.gray('--> ' + args.join(' ')))
      const context = await promise
      const processor = new RestfulApiServeProcessor(context)
      const router = new Router()
      router.get('/hello/world', ctx => {
        // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
        ctx.body = {
          code: 200,
          message: 'Got it!',
  • Here we customize a route GET /{context.prefixUrl}/hello/world, combined with the definition in Demo, where the value of context.prefixUrl is /mock, so the route path is /mock/hello/world

  • run the command node -r ts-node/register script/serve.ts to start the mock server, and the custom route GET /mock/hello/world also will be registered in the server


  • Create an empty ts project

  • Add a tsconfig.json file (you can specify other paths through -p, --tsconfig-path <tsconfig-path> in the sub-command generate), as follows

      "compilerOptions": {
        "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,
        "alwaysStrict": true,
        "declaration": true,
        "declarationMap": true,
        "downlevelIteration": true,
        "esModuleInterop": true,
        "experimentalDecorators": true,
        "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
        "moduleResolution": "node",
        "newLine": "LF",
        "noEmit": false,
        "noEmitOnError": true,
        "noImplicitAny": true,
        "noImplicitReturns": false,
        "noImplicitThis": true,
        "noImplicitUseStrict": false,
        "noUnusedLocals": false,
        "noUnusedParameters": false,
        "pretty": false,
        "removeComments": false,
        "resolveJsonModule": true,
        "sourceMap": true,
        "strict": true,
        "strictFunctionTypes": true,
        "strictNullChecks": true,
        "strictPropertyInitialization": true,
        "suppressImplicitAnyIndexErrors": true
      "include": [
  • Add a package.json file, like this:

      "name": "restful-api---demo",
      "version": "0.0.0",
      "private": true,
      "scripts": {
        "build:schemas": "barusu-rapit generate . -c app.yml",
        "serve:cli": "nodemon --exec \"yarn build:schemas && barusu-rapit serve . -c app.yml\"",
        "serve:program": "nodemon --exec \"yarn build:schemas && node -r ts-node/register script/serve.ts\"",
        "serve": "yarn serve:program"
      "dependencies": {
        "@barusu/tool-restful-api": "^0.0.27"
      "devDependencies": {
        "nodemon": "^1.19.1",
        "ts-node": "^9.1.1",
        "typescript": "^4.2.3"
  • Add a project configuration file named app.yml (other paths can be used, but the command-line option -c, --config-path <config-path> needs to be used to specify the path of the custom project configuration file), the content is as follows:

      encoding: utf-8
      logLevel: verbose
      schemaRootPath: data/schemas
        - api.yml
    # options for sub-command `generate`
      clean: true
      muteMissingModel: true
        - 'undefined'
        ref: false
        required: true
    # options for sub-command `serve`
      host: ''
      port: 8091
      prefixUrl: /mock
      schemaRootPath: data/schema
      mockDataFileFirst: true
      mockDataRootDir: data/
      mockOptionalsAlways: true
      mockOptionalsProbability: 0.7
    • Here we specify the generate andserve command options. Please note that command line parameters can override the values of these options.

    • For more configuration details, see the option interface: SubCommandGenerateOptions and SubCommandServeOptions.

  • Add a configuration file api.yml that defines the API routes (you can specify other paths through the -f, --api-config-path <api-config-path>option), the content is like:

        path: /api/user
            Content-Type: application/json; UTF-8
            path: /login
            method: POST
            title: 登录
              voFullName: CurrentUserInfoResponseVo
            path: /logout
            method: POST
            title: 退出登录
    • Here we define two routes:

      • POST /api/user/login, with request object model named UserLoginRequestVo (specified by response.voFullName in the configuration) and response object model named CurrentUserInfoResponseVo

      • POST /api/user/logout, with request object model named UserLogoutRequestVo and response object model named UserLogoutResponseVo

    • For more configuration details, see the class RawApiConfig defined in src/core/types/api-config.ts

  • Write the interface of the data model named UserLoginRequestVo, CurrentUserInfoResponseVo, UserLogoutRequestVo and UserLogoutResponseVo

  • Generate the schemas or start a mock server in the way mentioned above: Cli Usage and Programming Usage
