0.0.1 • Published 4 years ago

@beardedtim/koa-renderer v0.0.1

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Last release
4 years ago

Koa Renderer


This is a rendering engine so I can learn about parsing text files


This uses a custom template rendering engine that uses streams to transform inputs into an output. We are using html files and mustache-esque variables with support for partials.

Demo Usage:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <!-- We can use HTML tags -->
    <!-- Or we can use mustache-esque templating -->
    <meta name="description" content="{{ description }}" />
    <!-- With built-in support for nested values -->
      {{ meta.title }}

      We can also include other HTML files into this one.
      They will be parsed and resolved before inserting
    {{ partial('home-style.html' )}}
      We can even iterate over values and render
      what we need during each iteration. Each
      iteration has access to `index`, which will
      be the index that that item is at in the iterator
    {{ forEach(users, 'users-card.html')}}