0.3.0 • Published 8 years ago

@beardedtim/pubsub v0.3.0

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Last release
8 years ago


Us suffer bad. Want justice. We want Thunderdome!

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Demo Usage:

const { PubSub } = require('@beardedtim/pubsub);

// emit is how we can observe the result of some action
// in a uniformed way throughout the system.
// Think of `emit` as the `resolve` of a promise,
// the callback of a, well, callback function
// This is how we emit changes inside of the PubSub
// system into the outer scope
const emit = (...args) => {

// Each PubSub instance MUST have an emit 
// function passed to its constructor.
const pubsub = new PubSub(emit);

// We want to subscribe to some event in the future
// called 'EVENT_NAME', with default scope applied,
// and when that even happens, I want to emit whatever
// was passed with that event.
pubsub.subscribe('EVENT_NAME', ({ emit }, ...data) => emit(...data));

// At some point in the future we
// publish that event into our system
// and eventually our `emit` function
// gets called.
pubsub.publish('EVENT_NAME', 1, 2, 3);
// 1, 2, 3


  • constructor: (emit: fn [, id: str, scoped: bool]) => void

    • Emit: Function to emit from the system
    • ID: The ID of this instance. Falls back to a guid
    • Scoped: If we are going to scope our event names
  • getEventName: (event: str, scoped: bool) => str

    • Returns an EventName based on scoped
    • Example:
        const unScopedName = pubsub.getEventName('event', false) // 'event'
        const scopedName = pubsub.getEventName('event', true) // '${pubsub._id}:event'
  • subscribe: (event: str, fn: function, scoped: bool) => fn

    • Adds an event listener to passed event

      • Example:
        const handleInput = ({ emit, publish, subscribe }, input) => {
          const massagedInput = sanitizeInput(input);
          publish('SANATIZED_INPUT', massagedInput);
        const respondToUser = ({ emit }, payload) =>
            type: 'RETURN_TO_USER',
        const handleSanatizedInput = ({ emit }, input) =>
            type: 'UPDATE_FORM',
            payload: input,
        pubsub.subscribe('USER_NAME_UPDATE', handleInput);
        pubsub.subscribe('SANATIZED_INPUT', handleSanatizedInput);
  • publish: (event: str [, ...args: [*]]) => void

    • Publishes an event to the system
    • Example:
      pubsub.subscribe('GET_DB', handleDB);
      const asyncPublish = action => payload =>
        pubsub.publish(action, payload);
  • __id: str

    • The ID of the instance
  • __emit: fn

    • The emit function passed to the constructor
  • __isScoped: bool

    • The scoped value passed to the constructor


This is a straight copy/paste from stackOverflow(// https://stackoverflow.com/a/105074/3902127)

  // guid: () -> String
  guid() // some random string

Running Local Example

$ git clone [repo]

$ cd [repo]

$ yarn

$ yarn example

This will start a WebSocket server at ./.env's SOCKET_PORT= value or default to port 5001. You can send it the message { "type": "GET" } and get a response eventually. I use wscat for testing.

You may also find a basic example here


8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago