1.0.0 • Published 2 years ago

@beedgtl/mobile-id v1.0.0

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2 years ago

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Beeline Mobile ID Web SDK is a javascript package that allows web developers to easily integrate their web applications with the Mobile ID service. This module will allow you to add the authentication and enable the end user's personal data autofill functionality in your website.


General service interaction scenario: 1. The User enters your website and chooses authorization over Mobile ID. 2. The user is redirected to the Operator's page. 3. The Operator sends a PUSH message to the user's device with a request to confirm authentication on your resource. If the User's device cannot receive a PUSH, an SMS-message will be sent, containing an authentication confirmation link. 4. The user clicks "Accept" or "OK" (depending on the carrier) on the mobile phone. 5. The user is redirected to your redirect_uri and request completion of the authentication process is sent. 6. If user authentication was successful and "Form auto-completion" is provided by your price plan, a request for the user's personal data is sent by the SDK and fulfilled by the Operator.

Contact Us

Do you need help? Contact Support: mobileid_support@beeline.ru

Browser Support

Browsers supporting the ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) standard

ChromeSafariFirefoxOperaSamsung InternetEdgeIE
Latest ✔Latest ✔Latest ✔Latest ✔Latest ✔Latest ✔11 ✗ Not supported

Get Started


To start working with the service, you need to:

  1. Go through the registration process on the website https://mobileid.beeline.ru. You can register through your Personal Account, or fill out a questionnaire together with our manager:

    a. Decide on the connection method
    b. Choose a tariff:

    • Sign In only
    • Autofill / base
    • Autofill / base and address
    • Autofill / full

    c. Provide server-side implementation for a scheme with operator screens — HTTPS Redirect URL and HTTPS JWKS URL (for request personal data).

  2. Create an entry for a digital resource. As a result, you will get client_id and client_secret, client_name values (field of the form – Application Name), that will be attached to request from the Mobile ID platform to the operator that serves the subscriber's phone number.


Install a stable version via Yarn or npm:

yarn add @beedgtl/mobile-id
# or
npm i @beedgtl/mobile-id


// add the module to your code
import { MobileIDClient } from '@beedgtl/mobile-id';

Initialize client with appropriate configuration:

const mobileIDClient = new MobileIDClient({
    credentials: {
        id: 'your_client_id',
        name: 'your_client_name',
        key: 'your_encoded_access_key',
    redirectUrl: 'https://your-app.domain.ru/',
    scope: ['mc_authn'],
    acrValues: 3,
    onError: (error) => { /* Body of the error handler function */ },
    onSuccess: (tokenInfo, premiumInfo) => { /* Body of the success result handler function */ },

Next, create button component and insert it in your DOM:

import { Text } from '@beedgtl/mobile-id';

const button = mobileIDClient.createButton('violet', 'xl', { text: Text.PRIMARY });


⚠️ If redirectUrl - your website redirect url, specified (as redirect_uri) during service provider account registration - doesn't match your login page url, you need to initialize MobileIDClient again. ❗The SDK configuration must be identical in both calls

First, initialize MobileIDClient on the login page.

export const MOBID_CONF = {
    credentials: {
        id: 'your_client_id',
        name: 'your_client_name',
        key: 'your_encoded_access_key',
    redirectUrl: 'https://your-app.domain.ru/root/profile',
    scope: ['mc_authn'],
    acrValues: 3,
    premium: true,
    onError: () => { /* Some fn */ },
    onSuccess: () => { /* Some fn */ },    
import { MobileIDClient, Text } from '@beedgtl/mobile-id';
import { MOBID_CONF } from './configuration.js';

// Login page route 
// For example, https://your-app.domain.ru/login

const mobileIDClient = new MobileIDClient(MOBID_CONF);
const button = mobileIDClient.createButton('bright', 'm', { text: Text.DEFAULT });


Second, initialize MobileIDClient on the redirectUrl route page

import { MobileIDClient } from '@beedgtl/mobile-id';
import { MOBID_CONF } from './configuration.js';

// After login page route 
// For example, https://your-app.domain.ru/root/profile

const mobileIDClient = new MobileIDClient(MOBID_CONF);

/* No need to create button yet */
/* If authentication fails, an onError callback will be invoked */

If premium option is true and authentication process completes successfully, but personal data request fails, then onSuccess and onError callbacks will be invoked together. At that onSuccess will be invoked with only one argument MCToken and onError will be invoked with Error.method set to personalData.

Result data

An example js object tokenInfo (passed as first argument of onSuccess callback):

  accessToken: "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6InM0aWo5Q1pwOVJNcGpwTFFISGlRSVJLcU9MSDEyZEFFNndGL1kyRloxNlU9IiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJzdWIiOiJjYWIxMWJmZS1hMGJiLTQzZmUtYjVhNi1mNDUyODNiNDFjMTciLCJpYXQiOjE2MzcwNjIyMTEsImV4cCI6MTYzNzA2MjgxMSwianRpIjoiODFlOGI1MjItZDkwZS00MzMwLTg3NGYtZDUxMjcwZjdlZWFhIiwiYXpwIjoidmFzLXRlc3QiLCJhdWQiOiIiLCJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL2FnZ3Jtb2JpbGVpZC5iZWVsaW5lLnJ1IiwibmJmIjoxNjM3MDYyMjExfQ.Bse3IH5Tvgdw1QcyYvNbt4iVWIU1mxw5Qmb0gvuX43INJIIVMc_WauCyw41t4mftAsvLn6pEHqGSge6OT3BraYbK_ZO0kgGbmLmdan_FTUTHZBzEVUO3JGJHs5jk9MzZQZUQPyupj9VcXXNrw9102e6EzCpZqe9_CQ2W-RWaAgWnwVZk1pYZi-rYeDxgoZEaMPpkx7u8qal2x6fNPBW68jNjg-cvlaPsZIy-ZD3otiOi0Fpq-HM0fofEa8Z4tDDapv3FPA5ahTB7CEU9Z6iwQ5qpeJSWv0SOYFvdCuOy7PBWVc-X7EuhaM_v4wtWnudmIEsKzg-o0fsGMIsTP5XkFA",
  expiresIn: 599,
  scope: 'openid mc_identity_basic mc_authn', 
  idToken: "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6InM0aWo5Q1pwOVJNcGpwTFFISGlRSVJLcU9MSDEyZEFFNndGL1kyRloxNlU9IiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJhdF9oYXNoIjoiZlQtX2gwcGFkWEtwSmxMVV90ckdlZyIsInN1YiI6ImNhYjExYmZlLWEwYmItNDNmZS1iNWE2LWY0NTI4M2I0MWMxNyIsImFtciI6IlNJTV9PSyIsImtpZCI6InNpZ0tleSIsImlzcyI6Imh0dHBzOi8vYWdncm1vYmlsZWlkLmJlZWxpbmUucnUiLCJhdWQiOiJ2YXMtdGVzdCIsImFjciI6MiwiYXpwIjoidmFzLXRlc3QiLCJhdXRoX3RpbWUiOjE2MzcwNjIyMTEsInJlY2lwaWVudCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vYWdncm1vYmlsZWlkLmJlZWxpbmUucnUvbm90aWZpY2F0aW9uIiwiaWF0IjoxNjM3MDYyMjExLCJleHAiOjE2MzcwNjI4MTEsImp0aSI6IjgzYjQ3Y2QyLTAwYjMtNGQxNS05MjA1LTgwODM2ZWJlZjYxNSIsIm5iZiI6MTYzNzA2MjIxMX0.UMMcw-QsEJw22VDHASJ7Vr0W4_u1jeFbTuK5auaIbW6qGaPlQI-FXJLFkM7KrDTtr1qD4CP1f9BLNy4xQ_Pzzlfqwpcq6sMfRB84kEVoVDujhDUEngbSDFvuvjsJGAJf3buWC-7I1q5_B_6XRiOHpiH-q31FDMAFsZf4uagK6432gHcA3pX947wsE42PVJYnhFB0zvM6SGryF933Jiy6b3SrNTQ9ztZEFWNzxaon4LtVDw9XyMdQR15ZJAylOJcMAHsiFEPUDJe997OfMgwFP0JgmGvjXVTix8GfsScbrngozPuDsmJv4Ee1s64iT7ca9VBkcBla4tH74R7z8q53jA",

An example string of premiumInfo (passed as second argument of onSuccess callback):



MobileIDClient constructor properties

MobileIDClient methods and callbacks

Custom types


type Theme = 'light' | 'violet' | 'bright';
logonpm.io #5400banpm.io #fffnpm.io #333
textnpm.io #333npm.io #fffnpm.io #333
backgroundnpm.io #fffnpm.io #5400banpm.io #ffcb00


Differences in padding, height, logo and font sizes. The button component has a width 100%. Use a wrapper block if needed.

type Size = 's' | 'm' | 'l' | 'xl';


interface ButtonConfig {
  text?: string,
  isSubmit?: boolean,
  • isSubmit - when set to true, the button will be created with type="submit". Default: false (type="button")
  • text - when left empty or falsy, a simple circle-shaped button with a logo will be created. Recommend, use one of the available texts (see enum Text). If it isn't clear from context of the page, how the login will be performed, recommend add an explanatory caption under the button.


export declare enum Text {
  DEFAULT = 'Войти по номеру телефона',
  PRIMARY = 'Войти с Мобильным ID',
  SECONDARY = 'Войти через Мобильный ID',


interface Credentials {
  id: string, // client_id from service provider account
  key: string, // btoa(`${client_id}:${client_secret}`), client_secret from service provider account
  name: string, // client_name from service provider account


interface MCToken {
  scope: string,
  idToken: string,
  expiresIn: number,
  accessToken: string,


interface Error {
  error: string,
  errorDescription?: string,
  method: 'authentication' | 'personalData',

How to decrypt user's personal data

To work with encrypted data in the response from premium info, you must:

  1. Generate a pair of RSA keys (public and private) in JWK format with following parameters:
    • Key Size = 2048
    • Key Use = encryption
    • Algorithm = RSA-OAEP
  2. Place the public key on the JWKS Url
  3. Give the JWKS Url that contains JWK for encryption to the operator. There is a corresponding field in the application form for registration in the Mobile ID service
  4. Keep the private key secret and use it to decrypt the data received in the responses from premiuminfo endpoint

To generate a key, you can use the online service — https://mkjwk.org/. An example of public key:

  "keys": [
      "kty": "RSA",
      "e": "AQAB",
      "use": "enc",
      "kid": "UCGQkw55DlgzhRp88dkdOiTVn1EUtTTYFytL7GagOAA",
      "alg": "RSA-OAEP",
      "n": "24M0ceQ2gzUENyPi8lg98V1jNv727XOc5JC1oBMWt71BcWVgzEkHnfrJQ_iPIehj1103utBcB2nZzPW7bTo3vUAFuiJTIzIlpm6LBEAB6ayF2wBP_IBUppYcuIs0M0lvDPwGbahgYez0IoiJ8aNowg8g_C2tcUYMOAjKTfs13tqUUrzj5_Xkmw8ZlSciUWuVZdopMXuxWsOOfgOlKW_gCpiodTfSvnPXvdU1Wy6enopBP1ELDOWbvp-_5eGunPEmjWDFgPMCJUnLrUikki6UIwClMLYvnTDQ4ee_kH5zqZ0l_vgGE1cedXlzgTdByH0e9nY1d5a8AQbQfEHuEFoQ"

Public key description:

ktyThe encryption algorithm. To work with the service — always "RSA"
eThe exponent of the public key in the BASE64URL encoded format. To work with the service — always "AQAB"
useThe method of "use". For encryption — "enc"
kidKey id (id)
algName of the encryption algorithm
nPublic key module in BASE64 URL encoded format

General procedure for processing the premiumInfo response

The content of the response is a JWE token consisting of 5 components:

BASE64URL(JWE Protected Header) + '.' +
BASE64URL(JWE Encrypted Key) + '.' +
BASE64URL(JWE Initialization Vector) + '.' +
BASE64URL(JWE Ciphertext) + '.' +
BASE64URL(JWE Authentication Tag)

The definitions of the components can be found in the standard RFC 7516 (section 2).

Response body decryption

The response should be processed according to the standard RFC 7516 (section 5.2). Decryption should be performed using a private key according to the following algorithm: 1. Extract and decode values from JWE from BASE64URL 2. Calculate the Secret - Content Encryption Key —CEK) - decrypt the values of the JWE Encrypted Key with the Recipient's private key using the algorithm specified in the JWE Protected Header 3. Calculate plaintext - decrypt the JWE Ciphertext by the method specified in the JWE Protected Header using the secret (CEK), initialization vector (JWE InitializationVector) and authentication Tag (JWE Authentication Tag)

Example, JAVA decryption:

import org.forgerock.json.jose.common.JwtReconstruction;
import org.forgerock.json.jose.jwe.EncryptedJwt;
import org.forgerock.json.jose.jwk.RsaJWK;

String encrypted; // premiuminfo response
String jwkValue; // a string containing JWK

RsaJWK jwk = RsaJWK.parse(jwkValue);
EncryptedJwt jwt = new JwtReconstruction().reconstructJwt(encrypted, EncryptedJwt.class);

String result = jwt.getClaimsSet().toString();

Example, Node.js decryption:

const jose = require('node-jose');

const PID = 'premiumInfo_response_encrypted';
const privatekey = 'string containing JWK';

const decrypt = async (encData, privatekey) => {
    const keystore = jose.JWK.createKeyStore();
    const key = await keystore.add(privatekey, 'pem');
    const result = await jose.JWE.createDecrypt(key).decrypt(encData);
    const decriptPID = new TextDecoder().decode(result.payload);
    return decriptPID

const decryptedData = decrypt(PID, privatekey);