1.1.61 • Published 6 years ago

@bellese/hqr-component-library v1.1.61

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Last release
6 years ago


Step 1 - Installation

Run npm i hqr-component-library to install

Step 2 - Installing CMS Design System

Run npm i @cmsgov/design-system-core and npm i @cmsgov/design-system-layout

Once you have downloaded both packages, copy the design system's fonts, images, and dist directories (dist is located inside of the design-system-core design-system-layout directories) inside of @cms/gov in your application's node_modules.

Paste these directories into your Angular application's assets folder.

File structure:

├── assets/
    ├── css/
        ├── images/
        └── fonts/
        └── dist/
    ├── layout/
         └── dist/

Reference the styles in .angular-cli.json

      "styles": [

Importing Components

import { AccordionModule } from 'hqr-component-library'
import { StarModule } from 'hqr-component-library'
import { DropdownModule } from 'hqr-component-library'
import { SpinnerModule } from "./modules/spinner/spinner.module"
import { TableModule } from "./modules/table/table.module"
import { ModalModule } from "./modules/modal/modal.module"
import { ButtonModule } from "./modules/button/button.module"
import { DirectiveModule } from "./directives/directive.module" <-- DirectiveModule required for the Modal Component
import { PagingModule } from './modules/paging/paging.module'

Accordion Component Example

    *ngFor="let item of items">
            <h2>{{item.title}}</h2> // <-- header goes here
            <p>your content</p> // <-- content goes here

Star Rating Component Example

starAmount is the amount of stars you want displayed, this is defaulted to 5 so unless you need more than 5 you will not need to pass anything for this input. rating is the amount of stars that will be filled. For example, a starAmount of 5 with a rating of 2 is 2 out of 5 stars. width and height are defaulted to 30px, but you can pass a custom width and height be sure to detail the value as px.


Dropdown Component Example

options expects an array of options for the dropdown menu. labelName can be provided, but is not required.


Spinner Component Example

Spinner component sizes are small and big. Providing no size the spinner will appear as its default size. Colors include success, primary, and muted.


Data Table Component Example

The table is built with many features. Each table is built to call the needed components based on the data received. Every table requires 3 items to start:

  • headers : the column headers used in the table
  • dataRows : the table data used in each column
  • tableSummary : the 508 summary to explain the purpose and describe the table. BE DETAILED

Optional :

  • searchable : this input is true or false and will present a global table search
  • tableTitle: this input will allow a caption to show up within the table itself giving the table a name
  • pagination: this input will allow the option for pagination to work within the table, accepts true or false
  • starRating : this input is set to false. Use this input to put a star rating on the table. All you need to pass is starRating with a number, the table will build the rest.
[tableTitle]="'Table Title'"
[tableSummary]="'A table summary for screen readers'">

Required Data Structure for Table :

Table Headers :

The data provided to headers in the table component has to include header and prop. These two keys are used to label the table header and to put the data in the right place by the prop. prop has to match the same prop used for the data elements. If it doesn’t match the data will not show up.

Include "sort" in the el property in order to enable sorting for that column. When enabled the header will render as a sortable header with the proper aria-label included and a sort indicator svg indicating ascending or descending data. If "sort" is not provided, you will just get a normal header.

headers = [
        header: {
            value: "Col 1",
            prop: "val1", <-- must match the property value in dataRows
            el: "sort"
        header: {
            value: "Col 2",
            prop: "val2",
            el: "sort"
        header: {
            value: "Col 3",
            prop: "val3",
            el: "sort"

Table Data :

Table data is where the JSON structure really comes into play. The data structure has to make sure that the key value pair is really the data prop followed by an object with three parameters:

  • Value - value is the actual value populated in the data cell
  • El - what helps the user choose between elements to include in the cell (ex: link, date, checkbox, button, and default)
  • Attr - attr is the specific content needed to render the element. (ex: info and footnote)

dataRows = [
        val1: {
            value: "100%",
            el: "default",
            attr: ""
        val2: {
            value: "88%",
            el: "default",
            attr: ""
        val3: {
            value: "1%",
            el: "default",
            attr: ""
        val1: {
            value: "56%",
            el: "default",
            attr: ""
        val2: {
            value: "34%",
            el: "default",
            attr: ""
        val3: {
            value: "4%",
            el: "default",
            attr: ""
        val1: {
            value: "44%",
            el: "default",
            attr: ""
        val2: {
            value: "89%",
            el: "default",
            attr: ""
        val3: {
            value: "12%",
            el: "default",
            attr: ""

Row Header

In order to have headers that are displayed vertically within the table, set row_Header as the property that defines each row.

row_Header: {
    value: "12%",
    el: "default"

Using a Modal within the Data Table

In order to enable a modal(s) within the data table component, include a modal property within your dataRows data where needed. el property must have a value of button. attr property must have a value of info or footnote.

modal must be an array with two objects including properties heading and paragraph.

val1: {
    value: "12%",
    el: "button",
    attr: "info", <-- could also be "footnote"
    modal: [
        { heading: "Heading" },
        { paragraph: "Content of modal goes here"}

Pagination Component

The pagination component utilizes the ngx-pagination library. In order to paginate a list, a paginate pipe must be added to your list items. You can also configure itemsPerPage to display the amount of list items you'd like per page.

    <li *ngFor="let item of list | paginate: { itemsPerPage: 3, currentPage: p}">
<app-paging (currentPage)="p = $event"></app-paging>