0.1.4 • Published 2 years ago

@beyowi/strapi-plugin-content-moderation v0.1.4

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2 years ago

Strapi - Plugin - Content moderation

A Strapi plugin for moderation your content types.

This plugin enables your team to moderate other users' new content entries for any of your content types and also users.

✨ Features

  • Any Content types and Users: Can be activated in the administration for all content types and builtin users.
  • Moderation Panel: Sort by moderation status all your content entries together.
  • Permissions: Add administrators and control which role can set content pending for moderation

⚙️ Versions

  • Strapi v4 - (current)

🧑‍💻 Install

npm i strapi-plugin-content-moderation
yarn add strapi-plugin-content-moderation

After successful installation, run:

npm/yarn build
npm/yarn develop

The Moderation plugin should appear in the Plugins section of Strapi sidebar after you run app again.

🔧 Configuration

  1. Moderation must be enabled in settings of Content Type. Same as localization plugin.
  2. To setup plugin configuration you have to put following snippet as part of config/plugins.js or config/<env>/plugins.js file. If the file does not exist yet, you have to create it manually. If you've got already configurations for other plugins stores by this way, use just the content-moderation part within exising plugins item.
module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
	"content-moderation": {
		enabled:  true,
        config: {
            sendNotificationEmail: true,
            contentLabel: {
                "*": ["Title", "title", "Name", "name", "Subject", "subject"],
            contentListFields: {
                "*": [
  1. To activate moderation of built-in Users (users-permissions plugin), create the extensions: src/extensions/users-permissions/content-types/user/schema.json, copy the original content from the plugin's file and add:
  "pluginOptions": {
    "moderation": {
      "moderated": true


  • sendNotificationEmail - Enabled sending an email notification when content entries are approved or rejected to the author/user. Default value: false.
  • contentLabel - List of fields that will be used to label your content in notification emails. The first field defined in your content will be used. * is defined for all content types. You can define label fields per content types. For example: "Post": ["Title", "customField"]
  • contentListFields - List of fields that will be displayed in the content list visible in the moderation panel. * is defined for all content types. You can define label fields per content types. For example: "Post": ["Title", "customField", "createdAt"]


You can customize the email templates by overriding the files contained in server/config/email-templates in your application.


Plugin provides granular permissions based on Strapi RBAC functionality.

Mandatory permissions

For any role different than Super Admin, to access the Moderation panel you must set following permission:

  • Plugins -> Content-Moderation -> Moderation: Moderate - gives you the basic read access to Moderation Panel

Optional permissions

Feature / Capability focused permissions:

  • Plugins -> Content-Moderation -> Moderation: Set Pending - allows you to set a content pending moderation

📝 License

MIT License Copyright (c) Beyowi