0.0.9 • Published 3 months ago
@bicou/prosemirror-render-nuxt-typography v0.0.9
Nuxt layer to render ProseMirror JSON data (from Tiptap editor for example) through Nuxt Typography
Make sure to install the dependencies:
pnpm install @bicou/prosemirror-render-nuxt-typography
Then add the dependency to their extends
in nuxt.config
extends: ['@bicou/prosemirror-render-nuxt-typography']
Use the ProsemirrorRender
component to render the prosemirror node:
<script setup lang="ts">
// prosemirror document
const document = {
type: "doc",
content: [
type: "heading",
attrs: { level: 2 },
content: [{ type: "text", text: "Simple" }],
type: "paragraph",
content: [
{ type: "text", text: "This is a " },
{ type: "text", marks: [{ type: "strong" }], text: "basic" },
{ type: "text", text: " example." },
// ...
<!-- render document through nuxt typography -->
<prosemirror-render :node="document" />
This example translates to:
<prose-p>This is a <prose-strong>basic</prose-strong> example.</prose-p>
Consult online demo : https://prosemirror-render-nuxt-typography.vercel.app