1.0.7 • Published 1 year ago

@bitcoin-suisse/pay v1.0.7

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Last release
1 year ago

Bitcoin Suisse Pay plugin

npm version

By implementing the @bitcoin-suisse/pay plugin and by having a Bitcoin Suisse merchant account, you will be able accept crypto currencies as online payment method for goods and services, alongside credit cards 💳 and other payment methods in your checkout process.


  1. BTCS Pay merchant account. Please sign up here.
  2. Merchant domiciled in Switzerland or Liechtenstein
  3. Legal form GmbH or AG

Get started

1. Installation

Run the following to install the package.

npm install @bitcoin-suisse/pay

2. Add script

Either add the script directly, preferably in <head> tag.

<script type="text/javascript" src="~/node_modules/@bitcoin-suisse/pay/index.js"></script>

Or import the script into a larger codebase.

import { CryptoPayments } from '@bitcoin-suisse/pay';

3. Generate auth-key

The format of the auth-key consists the Terminal ID + secret (found on the Merchant site below Customer Details -> API -> SharedSecret)

Run shasum -a 256 /path/to/file

Run certutil -hashfile /path/to/file SHA256

TerminalID: 987654321
Secret: 000000001

Format: \\
input.txt contains: 987654321000000001

shasum -a 256 input.txt
SHA256/auth-key: 360d768442b399b2de3dded67681b3cca5eecde955c44c0b5db63353ec267ae6

4. Instantiate CryptoPayments

At the end of your <body> tag, or directly from within a SPA, instantiate an instance of the CryptoPayments lib.


    terminalId: Terminal ID
    auth: The auth-key enables the callback response as part of the paymentCallbackUrl if this is supplied
    paymentId: Adding this instead of amount and fromCurrency directs to specific payments request
    amount: Payment amount (not valid if paymentId is added)
    fromCurrency: Currency (abbriviation e.g. EUR, USD, CHF) (not valid if paymentId is added)


    paymentCallbackUrl: Platform specific callback (avoid querstrings in URL)
    language: en (default), de, fr, it
    target: Append target to an HTML element (default: appended to body)
    referenceId: Adds a reference note to the payment request
new CryptoPayments({
    terminalId: '123456789',
    auth: '0000...',
    paymentId: '0000000001',
    amount: 1337,
    fromCurrency: 'CHF',
    paymentCallbackUrl: 'https://www.example.com',
    language: 'en',
    target: document.getElementById('terminal-container'),
    referenceId: '12345-12345-12345',
    .then((data) => {
        console.log('data:', data);
        // This is called when a payment has been successfully interacted with.
        // The terminal view will remove itself.

        // Payment states 👇
        // "crypto-payments-status-PAID":
        // "crypto-payments-status-PAIDOVER":
        // "crypto-payments-status-PAIDLATE":
        // "crypto-payments-status-PAIDPARTIAL":

        // Up to the client if they want to redirect to a certain success URL or update SPA accordingly.
    .catch((errorData) => {
        console.log('data:', errorData);
        // This is called when a payment has an error
        // Terminal view will remove itself

        // Payment states 👇
        // "crypto-payments-status-CANCELED":
        // "crypto-payments-status-EXPIRED":

        // Up to the client if they want to redirect to a certain error URL or update SPA accordingly.

Callback response format

CallbackURL will get the following parameters appended (querystring)

	&date={Date(yyyyMMdd) | ""}
	&time={Date("hhmm") | ""}

Browser Support

  • ES2015
  • Commonjs