0.0.3 • Published 4 days ago

@bitextual/hunalign v0.0.3

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The hunalign sentence aligner, wasm edition

Pre-intro: what the fork is this?

This pre-intro describes this fork of hunalign. The remainder of this document is preserved from upstream, including any possible inaccuracies.

This is a fork of the hunalign sentence aligner, originally found at https://github.com/danielvarga/hunalign

This fork is designed to compile to wasm for the web, using emscripten.

What follows are the key modifications:

  • The Makefile has been altered to use emcc and output javascript and wasm.
  • The ts directory contains a typescript wrapper module to facilitate use.
  • This root directory contains a justfile, package.json, etc. for building and testing.


hunalign aligns bilingual text on the sentence level. Its input is tokenized and sentence-segmented text in two languages. In the simplest case, its output is a sequence of bilingual sentence pairs (bisentences).

In the presence of a dictionary, hunalign uses it, combining this information with Gale-Church sentence-length information. In the absence of a dictionary, it first falls back to sentence-length information, and then builds an automatic dictionary based on this alignment. Then it realigns the text in a second pass, using the automatic dictionary.

Like most sentence aligners, hunalign does not deal with changes of sentence order: it is unable to come up with crossing alignments, i.e., segments A and B in one language corresponding to segments B' A' in the other language.

There is nothing Hungarian-specific in hunalign, the name simply reflects the fact that it is part of the hun* NLP toolchain.

hunalign was written in portable C++. It can be built under basically any kind of operating system.


Hunalign source code package:


You can browse this package online here:


For convenience, precompiled Windows binaries are provided here:


Note that this is not a complete hunalign distribution, just the Windows binaries alone. The source package is still a recommended download, complementing the binaries with offline documentation, language resources and additional tools.


Build under Linux/Unix/Mac OS X:

The make yields a single application binary src/hunalign/hunalign .

Build under Windows:

As already noted, precompiled Windows binaries are provided. But it is easy to build from source under Windows, too. With CYGWIN installed, make should work. Using MSVC++, just create a project with the src/hunalign/*.cpp and src/utils/*.cpp files in it, excluding the obsolete src/hunalign/DOMTreeErrorReporter.cpp src/hunalign/similarityEvaluator.cpp and src/hunalign/TEIReader.cpp source files. The src/include directory must be in the include path.

Basic usage

Let us assume that you are in the top level directory (where this readme file resides). All referenced files are meant relative to this directory. If you use the precompiled Windows binaries, copy them here from their directory.

The build can be tested and basic usage can be understood by typing the following:

Similarly, for Windows, this would be (in one line):

Here, the input files 'examples/demo.hu.stem' and 'examples/demo.en.stem' contain Hungarian and English test data respectively, both segmented into sentences (one sentence per line) and into tokens (delimited by space characters). The output (in this case the file '/tmp/align.txt') contains the aligned segments (one aligned segment per line). As a result of the option '-text', the actual text of the segments (rather than their indexes) are written to the output making it suitable for human reading. For details see section "File formats". The argument '-hand' specifies a file containing a manual alignment. This argument can be omitted, but when given, the automatic alignment is evaluated against the manual alignment.

Command-line arguments

The simple argument-parser accepts switches (e.g. -realign) or key-value pairs, where value can be integer or string. The key and value can be separated by the '=' sign, but whitespace is NOT allowed. For string values, the '=' is mandatory. For example, "-thresh50", "-thresh=50" and "-hand=manual.align" are OK, "-thresh 50", "-hand manual.align" and "-handmanual.align" are not. The order of the arguments is free.

Usage (either):

or (batch mode, see section Batch mode):

where common_arguments ::= -text -utf -realign [ -autodict=filename ] -ppthresh=n -topothresh=n

The dictionary argument is mandatory. This is not a real restriction, though. In lack of a real bilingual dictionary, one can provide a zero-byte file such as data/null.dic.

The non-mandatory options are the following:

Batch mode

If we use the -batch switch the aligner expects a batch file instead of the usual two text files. The batch file contains jobs, one per row. A job is tab-separated sequence of three file names containing the source text, the target text, and the output, respectively. The batch mode saves time over shell-based batching of jobs by reading the dictionary into memory only once.

In batch mode, for every job, there is an align quality value written on standard error. This line has the format "Quality \t output_file \t quality_value" so it can be automatically processed.

File formats

The aligner reads and/or writes the following file formats:


The input files containing the texts to be aligned are standard text files. Each line is one sentence and word tokens are separated by spaces. If a line consists of a single <p> token, it is treated specially, as a paragraph delimiter. Paragraph separators are treated as virtual sentences, the aligner tries to match these with each other and never aligns them with a real sentence.


The format of the alignment output comes in two flavors: text style (-text switch) or ladder style (default).

  • Text format of alignments. Each line is tab-separated into three columns. The first is a segment of the source text. The second is a (supposedly corresponding) segment of the target text. The third column is a confidence value for the segment. Such segments of the source or target text will typically (or hopefully) consist of exactly one sentence on both sides. But it can consist of zero or more than one sentences also. In the latter case, the separating sequence " ~~~ " is placed between sentences. So if this sequence of characters may appear in the input, one should use the ladder format output.

  • Ladder format of alignments. Alignments are described by a newline-separated list of pairs of integers represented by the first two columns of the ladder file. Such a pair is called a rung. The first coordinate denotes a position in the source language, the second coordinate denotes a position in the target language. A rung (n,m) means the following: The first n sentences of the source text correspond to the first m sentences of the target text. The rungs cannot intersect (e.g., (10,12) (11,10) is not allowed), which means that the order of sentences are preserved by the alignment. The first rung is always (0,0), the last one is always (sentenceNumber(sourceText),sentenceNumber(targetText)). The third column of the ladder format is a confidence value for the segment starting with the given rung. The columns of the ladder file are separated by a tab. The ladder2text tool (see below) can be used to build human-readable text format from a ladder format file.

    The format of the input alignment file (manually aligned file for evaluation, see '-hand' option in section Command line arguments) can only be given as a ladder. This format is identical to the first two columns of output ladder format just described.


The dictionary consists of newline-separated dictionary items. An item consists of a target language phrase and a source language phrase, separated by the " @ " sequence. Multiword phrases are allowed. The words of a phrase are space-separated as usual. IMPORTANT NOTE: In the current version, for historical reasons, the target language phrases come first. Therefore the ordering is the opposite of the ordering of the command-line arguments or the results.


There are several tools aiding hunalign.


The preferred output format for hunalign is the ladder format. The scripts/ladder2text.py tool can turn this into text format. Usage:

Note that you can run hunalign on tokenized (or even tokenized and stemmed) text, and then run ladder2text on the original nontokenized text to get nontokenized, aligned bitext.


hunalign starts to eat a bit too much memory when the number of sentences in the input files is above about ten thousand. scripts/partialAlign.py is a tool to work this around. It cuts a very large sentence-segmented unaligned bicorpus into smaller parts manageable for hunalign.

Usage (write in one line):

The two input files must have one line per sentence. Whitespace-delimited tokenization is preferred. The output is a set of files named outputfilename123...name_of_lang The standard output is a batch job description for hunalign, so this command can and should be followed by:

partialAlign works by finding words that occur exactly twice in the bidocument, once on the left and once on the right side. After collecting all such correspondences, the algorithm uses dynamic programming to find the longest possible chain of correspondences that does not contain crossings. (A crossing is an incompatible pair of correspondences that can not be refined into an alignment.) The chain is then thinned to make final chunk sizes close to maximal_size_of_chunks.

A file named output_filename.poset is written that logs which correspondences are used and which are excluded as false positives. This log can be used to manually check for mistakes, but normally this is not necessary, as the output of the algorithm is very reliable.

LF Aligner

LF Aligner has its own page. It bundles hunalign so its users don't even have to set hunalign up for themselves.

For developers

If you intend to modify the hunalign source code, note that there are some parameters of the algorithm which are hardwired into the source code because modifying them does not seem to result in any improvements. These arguments are local variables (typically bool or double), and always have variable names of the form quasiglobal_X, X being some mnemonic name for the parameter in question, e.g., 'stopwordRemoval'. In some cases these variables hide nontrivial functionality, e.g., quasiglobal_stopwordRemoval, quasiglobal_maximalSizeInMegabytes. It is quite straightforward to turn these quasiglobals to proper command line arguments of the program.


hunalign is licensed under the GNU LGPLv3 or later.


If you use the software, please reference the following paper:

D. Varga, L. Németh, P. Halácsy, A. Kornai, V. Trón, V. Nagy (2005). Parallel corpora for medium density languages In Proceedings of the RANLP 2005, pages 590-596. (pdf)

hunalign was developed under the Hunglish Project to build the Hunglish Corpus.


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