1.0.0 • Published 6 years ago

@bitrock-it/databiz-login v1.0.0

Weekly downloads
Last release
6 years ago


Build Status

Web Component to simplify authentication using Google oAuth for Databiz group domains.

How to use

Install the package from NPM registry

$ npm install @databiz/google-login
--- or ---
$ yarn add @databiz/google-login

If you want to include the compiled version (no build-step neeed), just load the script tag:

<script src="./node_modules/@bitrock-it/databiz-login/component.js" async defer></script>

Or if you are working with Webpack and ES modules:

import '@bitrock-it/databiz-login';

then in your markup add


the client-id is a required parameter and you can obtain it from the Google Developer console.

This will render the Google login button, once clicked a popup will be prompted to user to choose an account and confirm.

To react to the login attempt the component fires two custom events: signin-success and signin-error.

A quick example:

const $login = document.querySelector('databiz-login');

  evt => console.log(evt.detail));

  evt => console.log(evt.detail));

The signin-success event will return an object inside the detail with the following data:

  • token: the token_id returned from Google authentication
  • profile: the data exposed by the googleUser.getBasicProfile() in the SDK.

To trigger the logout from the current session you must import the signOut method from the main package:

import { signOut } from '@bitrock-it/databiz-login';

// ...some code later...

signOut().then(() => {
  // code to execute after the logout is completed

Browser compatibility

The component is built following the Custom Elements v1 and EcmaScript 2015 specifications.

CE polyfill☑️☑️☑️☑️☑️✖️

Available NPM tasks

Start the demo page in development mode (live reload)

$ yarn start

Create a static build in the root folder

$ yarn build

Run the build action and deploy to GitHub pages

$ yarn deploy


Developed by Bitrock UI Engineering team, released under the MIT license.