0.0.4 • Published 2 years ago

@bleed-believer/core v0.0.4

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Last release
2 years ago


This is a minimalistic module system inspired by the modules of Angular. This package contains the core of the module managment, and can be extended with official modules, or create your own modules. For install the core package, you can use:

npm i --save @bleed-believer/core

How it works?

Every part of this architecture use set of modules, making a tree dependency between them. When every module is resolved, the core creates a new instance of every module, from the root of the base module, to the every branch of the module dependency.


A BleedModule is a class that will be used by the BleedBeliever core as a singleton. Every BleedModule can import and export modules, making a module dependency tree between them. The basic structure of a BleedModule is:

import { BleedModule } from '@bleed-believer/core';

    imports: [],
    exports: []
export class MyModule {
    constructor() {
        console.log('Hi, I\'m a new instance!');

You can make your module dependency tree as follows:

import { BleedModule } from '@bleed-believer/core';

    imports: [],
    exports: []
export class ModuleA {}

    imports: [],
    exports: []
export class ModuleB {}

    imports: [
    exports: []
export class ModuleRoot {}

So, in this case, the module dependency tree is:

├── ModuleA
└── ModuleB


The BleedBeliever class manages the module dependency tree. The constructor requests a BleedModule as root to begin the bleeding process. The bleeding process can be called using this.bleed(); method, and consists in:

  • Get all imported modules.
  • Execute this process recursivelly with the imported modules.
  • Create a new instance of this current module.

For that reason, the first modules that will be instantiated are the most external modules. With the above example, The first classes that will be instantiated will be ModuleA and ModuleB, before BaseModule. To use this class, with the above example:

import { ModuleRoot } from './module-root';

const main = new BleedBeliever(ModuleRoot);

Module Injection

Now this library has module injection support. In the exports options of any module, you can put there modules that has been initialized from imports option. For example this module, whichs has a websocket's connection:

import { BleedModule } from '@bleed-believer/core';
import { WebSocket } from 'ws';

    imports: [],
    exports: []
export class WebSocketModule {
    private _ws: WebSocket;

    constructor {
        this._ws = new WebSocket('https://www.example.com/ws/');

    sendMessage(text: string): void {

Now chech this another module, whichs contains other modules:

import { BleedModule } from '@bleed-believer/core';
import { CommandRouter } from '@bleed-believer/command';

import { StartCommand } from './start.command';
import { WebSocketModule } from './web-socket.module';

    imports: [
        CommandRouter.addToRouter([ StartCommand ]),
    exports: [
export class ServerModule {}

Imagine that you need to use that exported module in the parent module. In that case:

import { BleedModule, Inject } from '@bleed-believer/core';

    imports: [ ServerModule ],
    exports: []
export class MainModule {
        @Inject(WebSocketModule) private _webSocket: WebSocketModule
    ) {
        this._webSocket.sendMessage('Almost ready!');

In this example, you have access to WebSocketModule because this module has been exported by ServerModule. If you try to inject a module that didn't been exported by at leas one of the imported modules, the BleedBeliever will throws an ModuleNotInitializedError object type.

Official modules

The official modules are listed there


  • ✅ Implement the exports injection mechanism.
  • 🟦 Create more modules to use.