0.0.11 • Published 5 years ago

@blendsdk/mobx-router v0.0.11

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5 years ago

Mobx React Router

This package provides a URL Router component based on Mobx and the History API.

The utilities and the component is this package are written in TypeScript and they are meant to be used in a React TypeScript project.


npm install @blendsdk/mobx-router --save
yarn add @blendsdk/mobx-router


import {
} from "@blendsdk/mobx-router";

// Step 1: First we initialize the History provider
// For more information the the history package on npmjs

// Step 2: Create some routes
//     Every rout needs to have:
//          - A name; that is used to identify the Route
//          - A path; that is used as a template to generate an URL
//          - A component; that is rendered in the incoming URL is matched to the path
//          - Optionally; a key/value pare providing default values for the path parameters
const routes: IRoute[] = [
        name: "dashboard",
        path: "/",
        component: Dashboard
        name: "greet",
        path: "/greet/:name/name",
        component: Greet,
        // The default value of the :name parameter
        defaults: {
            name: "Johny Bravo"
        // If no route is matched then this one is chosen as fallback
        name: ROUTE_CATCH_ALL,
        path: "",
        component: Dashboard

// Step 3: Render the router with the routes parameter
const Main = () => {
    return <Router routes={routes}></Router>;

ReactDOM.render(<Main />, document.getElementById("root"));

404 Route

If you do not wish to configure a catch all route then you have the option to configure a 404 route to catch the unmatched location changes. The Router component provides a default 404 route if the incoming URL is not matched and there is also no catch all route.

To customize the built-in 404 route, just configure a route similar to:

        name: ROUTE_404,
        path:"/not-found", // or something meaningful path name
        component: My404PageComponent // your custom 404 page

The Link component

This component provides an easy way to render a link that is handled by the Router.


  • to is the name of the route
  • params is a key/value pare to set the route parameters
  • reload an optional boolean that if set to true will reload the page when the link is clicked
<Link to='name-of-the-route' params={{ name: "sally" }} reload={true}>
    Text goes here...
<Link to='order-items' params={{ order: someValue }}>
    Text goes here

The Redirect component

This component is similar to the Link component except that is does not generate a user interface. When this component is rendered it will immediately redirect the to provided route.


  • to is the name of the route
  • params is a key/value pare to set the route parameters
  • reload an optional boolean that if set to true will redirect by reloading the page.
const SomeComponent = () => {
    return authenticated ? <Dashboard /> : <Redirect to='login' params={{ param1: true }} reload={true} />;


In order to get a reference to the router you can make use of the useRouter hook

const Component = () => {
    const router = useRouter();


The router component provides the following API

The go method

    const router = useRouter();

    // Navigate to a route
    router.go('name-of-the-route', { param1,'value1' });

    // Navigate to a route by reloading the page
    router.go('name-of-the-route', { param1,'value1' }, true);

The generateUrl

This method generates a URL based on a path name or a parameters.

const router = useRouter();
const url = router.generateUrl("order-item", { orderNumber: 1000 });
