0.0.7 • Published 20 days ago

@bpinternal/yargs-extra v0.0.7

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20 days ago

Yargs Extra

Few additions to the library yargs including the ability to parse environment variables and create a json-schema from yargs options.


Your TypeScript program could look like this:

import os from 'os'
import path from 'path'
import fs from 'fs'
import yargs, { asYargs, generateSchema, cleanupConfig, parseEnv } from '@bpinternal/yargs-extra'

const yargsSchema = asYargs({
  remoteUrl: {
    type: 'string',
    description: 'URL to remote server'
  oauth: {
    type: 'boolean',
    description: 'Whether or not to use oauth'

const jsonSchemaLocation = path.join(os.homedir(), '.myapp', 'myapp.config.schema.json')
const configFileLocation = path.join(process.cwd(), 'myapp.config.json')

const stringify = (x) => JSON.stringify(x, null, 2)

void yargs
    'Init configuration file',
    (yargs) => yargs.options({}),
    async () => {
      const jsonSchema = generateSchema(yargsSchema)
      fs.writeFileSync(jsonSchemaLocation, stringify(jsonSchema))
      fs.writeFileSync(configFileLocation, stringify({ $schema: jsonSchemaLocation }))
    'Build something',
    (yargs) => yargs.options(yargsSchema),
    async (yargsArgv) => {
      const yargsEnv = parseEnv(yargsSchema, 'MYAPP')
      const yargsFile = fs.existsSync(configFileLocation)
        ? JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(configFileLocation, 'utf-8'))
        : undefined

      // cli args will override json config, which will also override env variables
      const resolved = cleanupConfig(yargsSchema, { ...yargsEnv, ...yargsFile, ...yargsArgv })

      // ...

Using this program above, you can try out few different ways of passing arguments:

./myapp init # will create an empty config file
code ./myapp.config.json # will open your config file in vscode with intellisense

MYAPP_REMOTE_URL=http://lol.com ./myapp build # { remoteUrl: 'http://lol.com' }
MYAPP_REMOTE_URL=http://lol.com ./myapp build --oauth # { remoteUrl: 'http://lol.com', oauth: true }
MYAPP_REMOTE_URL=http://lol.com ./myapp build --remote-url http://localhost:3100 # { remoteUrl: 'http://localhost:3100' }

When opening the config file in vscode, you'll get intellisense:

config file

Disclaimer ⚠️

This package is published under the @bpinternal organization. All packages of this organization are meant to be used by the Botpress team internally and are not meant for our community. However, these packages were still left intentionally public for an important reason : We Love Open-Source. Therefore, if you wish to install this package feel absolutly free to do it. We strongly recomand that you tag your versions properly.

The Botpress Engineering team.