0.2.0 • Published 3 years ago

@bradp/pears v0.2.0

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3 years ago

🍐️  Pears - A Static Site Starter Kit

🏆 Goals

  • Super simple to use and develop with. No messing with settings and configurations.
  • Easy to use for those who are not familiar with Hugo. They shouldn't have to learn more than the basics.
  • Powered by tools that are focused on a quick and efficient development cycle.
  • Pre-packed with shortcodes & partials for a ton of different components.

🎉️ What's included?

🚧   Hugo - The fastest framework for building static sites

🎨   TailwindCSS, Tailwind Forms, and Tailwind Typography Utility-first CSS framework to build your site without ever having to leave your HTML.

🔧️   PostCSS, autoprefixer, and PurgeCSS Trim your CSS files (including Tailwind's) to be only the classes and rules you actually use in your markup.

🌈️   Prettier and stylelint Write better code without having to think about formatting.

🔍️   ESLint Never run into JS errors again.

🚀️ Getting Started

Getting set up for using this project requires install a few different things. Don't worry, it's easy.


You will need to install Hugo if you don't already have it. There are pre-built binary files available for almost every platform.

Most of the included scripts and commands present are reliant on Yarn. If you haven't used it, but are familiar with npm, it's the exact same experience with a few minor details. Again, there are plenty of ways to install Yarn on the platform of your choice.


Once you have Yarn and Hugo installed on your system, all you need to do is grab a copy of Pears and install the dependencies.

git clone https://github.com/bradp/pears <your-new-site-name>
cd <your-new-site-name>

⚡️ Usage

  • To start up your local development environment: yarn start
  • To see a full list of available commands: yarn run

Main Commands

yarn startBuilds all files & starts up the development server
yarn buildBuilds all files for a local or staging environment
yarn build:prodBuilds all files for a deployment to a production server
yarn lintCheck your CSS & JS files for errors Append :fix to automatically fix
yarn formatFix formatting errors automatically

Building & Linting

yarn lint:cssLint CSS files Append :fix to automatically fix
yarn lint:jsLint JS files. Append :fix to automatically fix
yarn format:checkCheck formatting errors without automatically fixing

Remember, you can always check yarn run to see full list of commands!

🔮️ Roadmap

See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).

📕️ License

Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.