1.0.2 • Published 3 years ago

@brancisco/p5-bezier-builder v1.0.2

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Last release
3 years ago


A small library and tool to build complex bezier shapes for p5 sketches

Check out the demo webpage


Example Image

Getting Started


npm i @brancisco/p5-bezier-builder

Drawing a bezier shape

In your p5 sketch to draw beziers use the BezierShape class

import { BezierShape } from '@brancisco/p5-bezier-builder'

const sketch = function (p) {
    let myshape;
    p.setup = function setup (p5) {
        const myshape = new BezierShape([
            [0, 0], [10, 10], [20, 20], [30, 30] // [, nth vertex]

    p.draw = function draw (p5) {

Helper to create bezier shapes

  • Use the demo
  1. Visit: https://brancisco.github.io/p5-bezier-builder/
  2. Draw your shape (or shapes)
  3. Click the export button in the demo
  4. Move the file into your project
  5. (Optional for ease): make the file a .js file and write export default () => [/* ... exported beziers here */]
  6. Import the file into your sketch. e.g., import mybezierdata from "./path/to/my/BezierSketch.js"
  7. Use the BezierShape class to draw your bezier in your sketch
import { BezierShape } from '@brancisco/p5-bezier-builder'
import mybezierdata from './path/to/my/BezierSketch.js'

const sketch = function (p) {
    let myshape;
    p.setup = function setup (p5) {
        const myshape = new BezierShape(mybezierdata());
        myshape.setPosition(100, 100) // sets the position at x: 100, y: 100
        myshape.setDim(50, 50) // changes the dimensions of your shape to w: 50, h: 50

    p.draw = function draw (p5) {

OR create your own tool:

  • To create a bezier shape use the BezierShapeBuilder helper class.
import { BezierShapeBuilder } from '@brancisco/p5-bezier-builder'

const sketch = function (p) {
    let builder;
    p.setup = function setup (p5) {
        const builder = new BezierShape();

    p.draw = function draw (p5) {

    p5.mousePressed = (event) => {
        builder.handleEvent('mousePressed', event);

    p5.mouseClicked = (event) => {
        builder.handleEvent('mouseClicked', event);

    p5.mouseReleased = (event) => {
        builder.handleEvent('mouseReleased', event);

    p5.keyPressed = (event) => {
        builder.handleEvent('keyPressed', event);

BezierShape Methods



 * Shifts all vertices by the amount provided in x, and y direction
 * @param {number} x - The number to shift in x direction
 * @param {number} [y=0] - The number to shift in the y direction
shift (x: number, y: number = 0): void;


 * Set the position of the bezier shape (BOTTOM, LEFT CORNER is the origin)
 * @param {number} x - The x position of the bezier
 * @param {number} y - The y position of the bezier
setPosition (x: number, y: number): void;


 * Set the dimensions of the bezier
 * @param {number} w - The width of the bezier
 * @param {number|null} [h=null] - The height of the bezier
setDim (w: number, h: number | null = null): void;


 * Scales the bezier shape by a factor of the number provied
 * @param {number} scale - The number to scale the bezier shape by
scale (scale: number): void;


Note: Currently if you use this function, the rectangular boundary is not recomputed. You must manually assign the rect property to the return value of computeRectangle(). For Example:

// square the verts
myshape.applyToVertices(v => [v[0]**v[0], v[1]**v[1]])
myshape.rect = myshape.computeRectangle()
 * Applies a function f to all vertices v
 * @param {(v: Vertex) => Vertex} f - The function to apply to the vertices
applyToVertices (f: (v: Vertex) => Vertex): void



 * Get the dimensions of the bezier
 * @returns {[NumUnk, NumUnk]} - The dimension of the bezier
getDim (): [NumUnk, NumUnk];


 * Get the rectangular boundary of the bezier
 * @returns {Boundary} - In the form of [top, right, bottom, left]
getRectangularBoundary (): Boundary;


 * Returns the ith bezier curve
 * @param {number} i - The index of the bezier curve to get
 * @returns {[Vertex, Vertex, Vertex, Vertex]}
getBezier (i: number): [Vertex, Vertex, Vertex, Vertex];

Vertex / Shape Manipulation


 * Add a vertex to the vertices
 * @param {number} x - The x position of new vertex
 * @param {number} y - The y position of new vertex
push (x: number, y: number): void;


 * Remove (and get) a vertex from vertices
 * @returns {Vertex|undefined}
pop (): Vertex | undefined;


 * Add multiple vertices to the bezier vertices
 * @param {Vertices} vertices - The vertices to add to the shape
concat (vertices: Vertices): void;


 * Removes vertices from the bezier vertices, and if necessary replaces vertices with new ones,
 * returning the removed elements
 * @param {number} start - The zero-based index to start removing vertices from
 * @param {number|undefined} deleteCount - The number of vertices to remove
 * @param {Vertices|undefined} replace - The vertices to replace the removed
 * @returns {Vertices}
splice (start: number, deleteCount?: number, replace?: Vertices): Vertices;


 * Insert vertices into the bezier vertices.
 * Same as splice(start, 0, vertices)
 * @param {number} start - The zero-based index to insert at
 * @param {Vertices} vertices - The vertices to insert
insert (start: number, vertices: Vertices): void


  • Add Feat: auto-close shape
  • Write tests
  • Make demo mobile friendly
  • Add demo functionality to save shapes to local storage
  • Add demo functionality to remove curves from any index withing bezier shape
  • Add demo functionality to insert points into a bezer shape