2.0.0 • Published 2 years ago

@brightspace-ui-labs/input-duration v2.0.0

Weekly downloads
Last release
2 years ago


NPM version

Note: this is a "labs" component. While functional, these tasks are prerequisites to promotion to BrightspaceUI "official" status:

An input component for tracking durations of time. It supports various configurations from weeks to seconds.

example screenshot of a basic duration input

example screenshot of a duration input with all supported units


Install from NPM:

npm install @brightspace-ui-labs/input-duration


<script type="module">
    import '@brightspace-ui-labs/input-duration/input-duration.js';


labelString, requiredLabel for the input
label-hiddenBooleanHides the label visually
unitsString, requiredA colon (:) delimited list of the units to use (ex: hours:minutes). Supported units are weeks days hours minutes seconds.
largest-unit-maxNumber, default: 99Sets the max number for the largest unit of the selected set
weeksNumberValue of weeks for the input
daysNumberValue of days for the input
hoursNumberValue of hours for the input
minutesNumberValue of minutes for the input
secondsNumberValue of seconds for the input
disabledBooleanDisables the input
errorBooleanSets the input into an error state


To make your usage of d2l-labs-input-duration accessible, use the following properties when applicable:

labelREQUIRED Acts as a primary label on the input. Visible unless label-hidden is also used.
label-hiddenUse if label should be visually hidden but available for screen reader users


  • change: Dispatched whenever a value changes for any of the units within the input. The event detail (event.detail) is an object containing the updated values for each unit (ex: an input with weeks:days:hours:minutes:seconds might have an event.detail like this: { weeks: 2, days: 5, hours: 10, minutes: 30, seconds: 0 }).

Developing, Testing and Contributing

After cloning the repo, run npm install to install dependencies.


# eslint and lit-analyzer
npm run lint

# eslint only
npm run lint:eslint


# lint & run headless unit tests
npm test

# unit tests only
npm run test:headless

# debug or run a subset of local unit tests
# then navigate to `http://localhost:9876/debug.html`
npm run test:headless:watch

Visual Diff Testing

This repo uses the @brightspace-ui/visual-diff utility to compare current snapshots against a set of golden snapshots stored in source control.

The golden snapshots in source control must be updated by the visual-diff GitHub Action. If a pull request results in visual differences, a draft pull request with the new goldens will automatically be opened against its branch.

To run the tests locally to help troubleshoot or develop new tests, first install these dependencies:

npm install @brightspace-ui/visual-diff@X mocha@Y puppeteer@Z  --no-save

Replace X, Y and Z with the current versions the action is using.

Then run the tests:

# run visual-diff tests
npx mocha './test/**/*.visual-diff.js' -t 10000
# subset of visual-diff tests:
npx mocha './test/**/*.visual-diff.js' -t 10000 -g some-pattern
# update visual-diff goldens
npx mocha './test/**/*.visual-diff.js' -t 10000 --golden

Running the demos

To start a @web/dev-server that hosts the demo page and tests:

npm start

Versioning & Releasing

TL;DR: Commits prefixed with fix: and feat: will trigger patch and minor releases when merged to main. Read on for more details...

The sematic-release GitHub Action is called from the release.yml GitHub Action workflow to handle version changes and releasing.

Version Changes

All version changes should obey semantic versioning rules: 1. MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes, 2. MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards compatible manner, and 3. PATCH version when you make backwards compatible bug fixes.

The next version number will be determined from the commit messages since the previous release. Our semantic-release configuration uses the Angular convention when analyzing commits:

  • Commits which are prefixed with fix: or perf: will trigger a patch release. Example: fix: validate input before using
  • Commits which are prefixed with feat: will trigger a minor release. Example: feat: add toggle() method
  • To trigger a MAJOR release, include BREAKING CHANGE: with a space or two newlines in the footer of the commit message
  • Other suggested prefixes which will NOT trigger a release: build:, ci:, docs:, style:, refactor: and test:. Example: docs: adding README for new component

To revert a change, add the revert: prefix to the original commit message. This will cause the reverted change to be omitted from the release notes. Example: revert: fix: validate input before using.


When a release is triggered, it will:

  • Update the version in package.json
  • Tag the commit
  • Create a GitHub release (including release notes)
  • Deploy a new package to NPM

Releasing from Maintenance Branches

Occasionally you'll want to backport a feature or bug fix to an older release. semantic-release refers to these as maintenance branches.

Maintenance branch names should be of the form: +([0-9])?(.{+([0-9]),x}).x.

Regular expressions are complicated, but this essentially means branch names should look like:

  • 1.15.x for patch releases on top of the 1.15 release (after version 1.16 exists)
  • 2.x for feature releases on top of the 2 release (after version 3 exists)

2 years ago


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3 years ago