1.1.1 • Published 6 years ago
@briodev/gatsby-theme-blog v1.1.1
Add a blog to your Gatsby site
npm install @briodev/gatsby-theme-blog
yarn add @briodev/gatsby-theme-blog
Add to gatsby-config.js
module.exports = {
siteMetadata: {
title: `BrioDev Blog Theme`,
description: `A simple starter blog with image and SEO`,
keywords: ['BrioDev', 'Gatsby Blog', 'Gatsby Theme' ],
siteUrl: 'https://brio.dev',
twitter: {
site: '@briodev',
creator: '@briodev' //This can be overwritten in SEO by the author frontmatter
author: `BrioDev - https://brio.dev`,
plugins: [
resolve: "@briodev/gatsby-theme-blog",
options: {
contentPath: "src/content/blog-posts",
basePath: "/blog",
tagsPath: "/categories"