0.0.5 • Published 1 year ago

@bucketplus/bp-control-api-nodejs v0.0.5

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1 year ago

About Efficient Actions

This Readme contains info to help developers build Standard Container Services for Cloud Actions.

Standard Container Services perform modular tasks such as importing and analyzing files or enriching and transforming data. Standard Container Services must: 1. Contain a valid Dockerfile. 3. Contain a valid manifest.json file. 4. Take an input, produce an output or both. 5. Return a JSON. 6. Use the Control API to send progress updates.


Each Standard Container Service must include a Dockerfile that runs one job to completion, then terminates. It should terminate as quickly as possible, and should not start a long-running service (e.g. it should not start a Node.js express server). It should be as light as possible.


Each Standard Container Service must include a manifest.json file that includes:

  • version - the manifest version - set to 0.1 for now.

  • controlVersion - the version of the control API it relies on

  • public - whether the action should be listed in our marketplace, or private to the user

  • name - the name of the service.

  • description - a human-readable description of the service.

  • icon - path to a local 512x512 jpg or png file that represents the service.

  • developer - the email address of the developer (should match their login)

  • tags - an array of text tags that describe the action (these should be defined somewhere so people re-use the same labels)

  • attribution - info about external services used, if any

    • name - the name of the external service that powers the action

    • url - the URL of the external service that powers the action

  • billing - info about the cost of this service. Collected fees are shared between Bucket+ and the developer.

    • unit_name - the plural name of the chargeable unit, e.g. pixels, characters, bytes, or seconds

    • unit_price - the default chargeable price per unit

  • params - an array of custom job parameters that should be passed by the end user when invoking the service container. Each should include:

    • name - the name of the environment variable when passed to the service, e.g. JP_INPUT_FILE. All parameter names should start with JP_ (for job parameter), and should be in ALL_CAPS.

    • label - a human-readable to help users understand the parameter

    • description - a human-readable description to help users understand the parameter

    • paramType - either input, output, or option.

    • type - the display type for the input, either text, boolen, file , url. Support for select, number, email, url or checkbox - Coming Soon

    • fileTypes - array of mime types supported of file if params.type is file,This can be from predefined group of mime types or array of any mime types, Some predefined fileTypes are : image, video, audio document.

    • required - true if the parameter is required

    • defaultValue - a default value, if any

  • compute - info about the compute properties of the container

    • RAM - the default RAM to allocate to the container, in Gigabytes

    • vCPU - the default number of vCPUs to allocate to the container

    • spot - whether the container can run in a spot instance (strongly recommended for services which can safely re-run if terminated early). Coming Soon

The Control API

The Efficient Actions Control API contains convenience methods making it easier for service developers to. This repo contains code for Node.js based containers.


To install the Control API in a node.js container, run: yarn add @efficientactions/ca-control-api-nodejs.


To import the Control api, add: import ca from '@efficientactions/ca-control-api-nodejs; to your code

Environment Variables

The API expects the following .env variables to be set:

Only needed in production:

  • CA_ENV (not needed in development)
  • CA_ENDPOINT (not needed in development)
  • CA_JOB_ID (not needed in development)

Job Parameter Environment Variables

  • Each Job Parameter defined in the manifest will be validated and sent using the appropriate name, e.g. JP_INPUT_FILE.

Service Secret Environment Variables

  • Each Service Secret defined in the manifest will be validated and sent using the appropriate name, e.g. SS_GOOGLE_TRANSLATE_API_KEY.


The following methods are currently available via the control API:

Read Methods

For param.type = file containers

  • ca.getReadSignedUrlforFile(filePathParam) - return signed url for a file to read. Eg., getReadSignedUrlforFile('JP_INPUT_FILE')

  • ca.readFile(filePathParam) - reads the cloud input file as a stream. Recommended for small files, e.g. text and image files.

  • ca.downloadFile(filePathParam, localFilePath) - downloads the cloud input file to a local relative path. Recommended for larger files, e.g. video files.

For param.type = folder containers

  • ca.downloadFiles(folderPathParam, localFolderPath) - downloads all cloud input files to a local folder. Coming Soon

  • ca.listFolderObjects(folderPathParam) - provides an array of all cloud input files in a folder. Eg., listFolderObjects('JP_OUTPUT_FOLDER')

Write Methods

For param.type = file containers

  • ca.getWriteSignedUrlforFile(filePathParam) - return signed url for a file to write.

  • ca.writeFile(fileStream, filePathParam) - writes content to the cloud output file from stream/Buffer. The maximum size of a single object is limited to 5TB.

  • ca.uploadFile(localFilePath, filePathParam) - uploads a specified local file to the cloud output file.

For param.type = folder containers

  • ca.getWriteSignedUrlForFolder(folderPathParam, filename) - return signed url for a file to write in specified cloud path.

  • ca.uploadFileToFolder(localFilePath, folderPathParam, filename) - uploads a specified local file to the specified file name in the cloud folder path.

  • ca.writeFileToFolder(content, folderPathParam, filename) -writes content to the specified file name in the cloud folder path. Recommended for small files, e.g. text and image files.

  • ca.uploadFiles(localFolderPath, folderPathParam) - uploads all the files from a specified local folder to the cloud folder path. Coming Soon

Lifecycle Updates

On Start

Each container must invoke ca.reportStarted() as soon as possible. This is used for timing and to confirm that the container has started.

On Completion

Each container must invoke ca.reportCompleted(data) as soon as the container has finished running. This is used for timing, and to confirm that the job completed successfully. Containers that fail to call this method will be re-attempted. Developers can optionally pass a data object in JSON format. For more information, see "Understanding JSON return values".

In addition, on completion each container must call ca.charge(quantity, unit_name) to charge the end customer. The unit specified MUST match the unit_name specified in the manifest. This function should only be invoked once, and only once the job has successfully completed.

On Error

Each container must invoke ca.reportFailed(msg) if a container fails. Developers should pass a meaningful msg parameter which will be visible to end users. Please note - once a failure report has been sent, the container should exit immediately, and should not send any further updates.


To log data, use ca.log(...msg). This will immediately be passed to console.log, making it easy to use, but will also be retained for 30 days in production to enable debugging if needed.


Understanding manifest params paramType

paramType is decided based on the need of the parameter. paramType is

  • input : if the parameter is needed as an input to the service
  • ouput : if the parameter is an output of the service
  • option: if the parameter is neither an input nor an output type and is needed by the service to provide additional information for the job. Eg. a JP_CONVERT_LANGUAGE parameter in a text translation service which determines the language in which the service has to translate the text to.

Understanding manifest params type

type is decided by the display and format type for the parameter. type is

  • text : if the parameter needs a text value. This is a string.
  • boolean : if the parameter needs a boolean value. This can be true or false.
  • file: if the parameter needs a file value. This can be a bucketurl. (url,localfile - Coming Soon) . bucketurl is of the format https://accesskey:secretkey@endpoint/path, where

    • accesskey and secretkey is the access key id and secret access key to access the bucket.
    • endpoint is the bucekt endpoint which is provider specific , eg. for a bucket in aws it would be bucket-name.s3.region-code.amazonaws.com'.
    • path is the path the bucket where the file is present or needs to be uploaded. It must include the filename with extension. Eg. mydirectory/filename.txt
  • folder: if the parameter needs a folder value. This can be a bucketurl (url, localfile - Coming Soon) . bucketurl is of the format https://accesskey:secretkey@endpoint/path, where

    • accesskey and secretkey are the access key id and secret access key to access the bucket.
    • endpoint is provider specific , eg. for aws it would be bucket-name.s3.region-code.amazonaws.com'.
    • path is the path of the folder in the bucket where the folder is present or needs to be created. It must include the foldername. Eg. mydirectory/foldername
  • url : if the parameter needs a url value. This is a string of a valid url format.

Naming suggestions for manifest params

for type=file and paramType = input

  • param name = JP_INPUT_FILE
  • param label = Input File Path

for type=file and paramType = output

  • param name = JP_OUTPUT_FILE
  • param label = Output File Path

for type=folder and paramType = input

  • param name = JP_INPUT_FOLDER
  • param label = Input Folder Path

for type=folder and paramType = output

  • param name = JP_OUTPUT_FOLDER
  • param label = Output Folder Path

Understanding Signed Urls

Presigned URLs are generated for temporary download/upload access objects using a single url.

Understanding JSON return values

When running actions, the user can choose whether to save the returned JSON (as a separate file), to receive it via webhook, or to process immediately via await - this is handled by the EfficientActions system, i.e. the individual statndard container service needs to return some JSON (can be null), and the EfficientActions system will handle the rest.

Anonymize Image (Object/File Action that produces an anonymized file from the input file)

For an object/file action that produces a file, in the manifest the user specifies:

  • the input file as a parameter (marked as type=file, paramType=input)
  • the output file as a parameter (marked as type=file, paramType=output)

Please note - like all actions, this action will also generate a JSON "return value". In this case, it might be null, or it might contain metadata on the transformation, e.g. the number or position of faces.

Extract Text (Object/File Action that extracts the text from a file)

For an object/file action that produces JSON only, in the manifest the user specifies:

  • the input file as a parameter (marked as type=file, paramType=input)

Please note - like all actions, this action will also generate a JSON "return value". In this case it definitely will not be null - it will contain the extracted text.

Import URL (Import Action that imports a file from a URL)

For an import action that has no file input, in the manifest the user specifies:

  • the input URL as a parameter (marked as type=url, paramType=input)
  • the output file as a parameter (marked as type=file, paramType=output)

Please note - like all actions, this action will also generate a JSON "return value". In this case, it might be null, or it might contain metadata on the import, e.g. the content type that was imported.

Example Actions