0.1.0 • Published 7 months ago

@bufbuild/knitgateway v0.1.0

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Knit Gateway

The Knit Gateway. Knit brings GraphQL like capabilities to RPCs. It is built on top of Protobuf and Connect. This package contains the Knit Gateway binary.

Learn more about Knit at github.com/bufbuild/knit.

Configuration for knitgateway

This document describes the configuration options for the knitgateway program.

There is a an example config file in the root of this repo named knitgateway.example.yaml. The example file shows all the properties that can be configured (though most are commented out). It includes many comments to describe each property.

The YAML file must contain only a single-document. If it contains any unrecognized properties, the configuration will be rejected and the gateway will not start.

There are several top-level keys in the file, each of which contains properties for a different category of configuration. 1. listen: This section configures the listener for the gateway. This contains details about the server like what interface to bind to, what port to listen on, and whether TLS should be used. 2. limits: This section configures limits, to aid with operations. 3. backends: This section configures all of the backends to which the gateway can send requests when processing a Knit query. This section configures the available RPC services that can be used in a Knit query and how to route them to backends. It includes connectivity details but also details on how the gateway can access the schemata for the backend's exposed RPC services. 3. backend_tls: This section allows cross-cutting TLS configuration. Each backend can be separately configured in the backends section above. But if all or most backends use similar TLS configuration, it can be consolidated in this top-level section. When there is configuration in both this section and for a specific backend in backends, the values in backends override the values here. So this section effectively defines the default TLS settings. 4. descriptors: This section controls the polling behavior of the gateway, for periodically reloading schemata. This allows the gateway to reconfigure itself at runtime as the schemas change. The schemas can also be cached, so a cached last-known-good schema can be used if the source of the schema is otherwise unavailable when the gateway starts up. 5. cors: This section controls how the gateway handles cross-origin requests and replies to CORS pre-flight requests.

Each of the above config stanzas is described thoroughly in the sections below.

Listen Config

The top-level listen property is a map with the following keys:

  • bind_address: The address on which to listen. This defaults to, which means it will accept requests on all network interfaces. You can specify a specific address to limit what interfaces are used. For example, setting this to means that requests are only accepted on the loopback interface (i.e. from the local host).
  • port: The port number on which to listen. There is no default: in order for the gateway to use a TCP listener, a port must be configured. If the port is configured as zero, an ephemeral port is used. In this case, the actual port in use will be logged when the gateway starts.
  • unix_socket: The path to a Unix domain socket on which to listen. If the socket file already exists, the gateway will not use it and will not start. There is no default: in order for the gateway to listen on a Unix socket, this property must be configured.
  • tls: If this section is present, the server will require clients to use TLS (transport-level security, sometimes called SSL) when connecting. This means that connections are secure: both parties can be authenticated via TLS certificates and all traffic is encrypted.

    This section is a map with the following sub-keys:

    • cert: This is the path to a PEM-encoded X509 certificate. This is required and configures the public key and certificate chain for the gateway's server certificate.
    • key: This is the path to a PEM-encoded X509 private key. This is required and configures the private key for the gateway's server certificate.
    • min_version: The minimum TLS version that the server will accept. This defaults to 1.0. Other allowed settings are 1.1, 1.2, or 1.3.
    • ciphers: The cipher suites to allow or disallow, for TLS 1.2 and below. (For TLS 1.3, the supported cipher suites are not configurable and are always the following: TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256, TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256.)

      This section is a map with possible keys of allow or disallow. Only one of these keys may be present, depending on whether the configuration is using an allow-list of cipher suites or a block-list. See below for more details.

    • client_certs: If this section is present, the gateway will request TLS certificates from clients during the TLS handshake. This property is a map with the following allowed keys which further control the gateway's behavior.

      • require: If false or absent, client certs are verified if given, but are not required. If true, connections will be terminated if the client does not provide a valid cert.

        When a client cert is present and valid, the authenticated identity ("subject" field of the cert) will be added to HTTP headers for all requests to backends. It will be set in a header named Knit-Client-Subject and will be in RFC 2253 Distinguished Names syntax.

      • cacert: This is the path to a PEM-encoded X509 certificate pool file that contains certs for CAs (certificate authorities/issuers). These are used to verify client certs.

This property is required as the config must define either a unix socket path or a port (or both).

TLS Cipher Suites

TLS cipher suites can be configured in one of two ways: 1. An allow-list is defined using the allow property. In this mode, only the suites listed in the config will be allowed. 2. A block-list is defined using the disallow property. In this mode, only the suites listed in the config will be blocked, and all others will be allowed.

The following table shows all supported cipher suites. The table also shows which suites are allowed and disallowed by default, when no cipher suite configuration is provided,

Cipher SuiteTLS VersionsDisposition
TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256TLS 1.2 onlyAllowed
TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384TLS 1.2 onlyAllowed
TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384TLS 1.2 onlyAllowed
TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256TLS 1.2 onlyAllowed
TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384TLS 1.2 onlyAllowed
TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256TLS 1.2 onlyDisallowed
TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256TLS 1.2 onlyDisallowed
TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256TLS 1.2 onlyDisallowed

Limits Config

The top-level limits property is a map. At the moment, there is just one key that is allowed.

  • per_request_parallelism: Tte maximum parallelism per request. This is the maximum number of concurrent RPCs that can be made on behalf of a single Knit query.

    If not specified, there is no limit, and all RPCs needed to evaluate a query will all be made in parallel.

As other kinds of controls are implemented, configuration for them will be added to this section.

Backends Config

The top-level backends property is an array of backend configuration maps. Each map in the array has the following keys:

  • route_to: The base URL for this backend. This key must be provided. The URL may use either "http" or "https" scheme. Note that no custom TLS properties (such as custom root CA certificate or client certificates) are currently supported for use with "https" URLs.
  • unix_socket: If the backend is listening on a Unix domain socket and not a TCP socket, configure the path to the socket here. By default, TCP connections are used, but when this property is present and non-empty it is the path to a Unix socket that will be used instead.
  • h2c: If the routeTo property uses a plaintext "http" scheme, but HTTP/2 should be used, set this property to true. It defaults to false.
  • protocol: This configured the protocol that will be used to communicate with this backend. The default protocol is "connect". Other allowed options are "grpc" or "grpcweb".
  • encoding: This configures the message encoding for sending requests to this backend. The default is "proto", which uses the Protobuf binary format. The other allowed option is "json".
  • services: This key is required. The value is a list of fully-qualified service names that will be routed to this backend. If these services contain methods that can resolve relations, then those relations are automatically supported by the server.
  • tls: This key configures TLS settings for the backend. This key may only appear when the route_to URL has a scheme of "https", indicating secure connections are used. This property is a map whose contents are used to configure a TLS client for successfully connecting to and verifying the backend. See below for more details about the format of this property.
  • descriptors: This key is required. This configuration indicates how the gateway will find descriptors for the above named services. The value is a map with the following keys, of which only one may be set:
    • descriptor_set_file: The value for this key is the path to a file that is an encoded file descriptor set. Both buf and protoc can produce such files. (See more below.)
    • buf_module: The value for this key is the name of a module that has been pushed to a Buf Schema Registry (BSR). The module name must be in the format "<remote>/<owner>/<repo>". The first part defines the host name for the BSR, for example buf.build. When using this option, you must provide an environment variable named BUF_TOKEN that the gateway will use to authenticate with the BSR in order to download the module's descriptors.
    • grpc_reflection: The value for this key is a boolean. If true, then the gRPC Server Reflection protocol will be used to download the descriptors from the backend server itself.

TLS Client Config

Each backend configured in the backends stanza can configure TLS client settings via a tls property. Default TLS settings for all secure backends can be defined in the top-level backend_tls stanza. No TLS settings are required; reasonable defaults will be used for all settings.

The property is a map with the following keys:

  • min_version: This minimum version of TLS to accept. Defaults to 1.2. Other allowed values are 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3. Note that the default here is different than for TLS server settings, in the tls property of the listen stanza. The listener default is more lenient, to support external clients that may be using older browser or mobile OS software.
  • ciphers: The cipher suites to allow or disallow, for TLS 1.2 and below. (For TLS 1.3, the supported cipher suites are not configurable and are always the following: TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256, TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256.)

    This section is a map with possible keys of allow or disallow. Only one of these keys may be present, depending on whether the configuration is using an allow-list of cipher suites or a block-list. See below for more details.

  • cacert: This is the path to a PEM-encoded X509 certificate pool file that contains certs for CAs (certificate authorities/issuers). These are used to verify server certs of the backends. If not present or blank, system defaults for the set of trusted root CAs will be used.

  • skip_verify: This flag disables verification of server certs. Its use is strongly discouraged. It is present primarily to aid with testing.
  • cert: This is the path to a PEM-encoded X509 certificate. This configures the public key and certificate chain for the client certificate to use. This should only be present if the server expects clients to provide a TLS certificate. If this property is present, key must also be present.
  • key: This is the path to a PEM-encoded X509 private key. This configures the private key for a client certificate to use. This should only be present if the server expects clients to provide a TLS certificate. If this property is present, cert must also be present.

Descriptor Set Examples

If using the descriptor_set_file option for the descriptors key, you can use buf or protoc to generate a file in the correct format.

The following example uses buf to build proto sources in the current directory. The -o flag indicates the path to the output file that will contain the descriptors:

buf build . -o ../my-services.protoset

Here's another example using buf, this time to build the buf.build/bufbuild/knit-demo module. This module contains service definitions that describe the Star Wars API (swapi.dev).

buf build buf.build/bufbuild/knit-demo -o swapi.protoset

Finally, here's an example that uses protoc. This compiles a hypothetical file at path foo/bar/services.proto, where some of its imports are defined in a ../../others/proto directory.

Here too, the -o flag indicates the path to the output file that will contain the descriptors. Most importantly, you must also include the --include_imports flag, or else the resulting file may be incomplete and unusable by the Knit gateway.

protoc -I ../../others/proto foo/bar/services.proto \
    --include_imports -o ../my-services.protoset

Note that using protoc may involve specifying multiple input files and multiple -I include path options. Refer to your existing scripts that invoke protoc for code generation.

Backend TLS Config

The top-level backend_tls property is a map that defines default TLS settings. These settings are used with any backend with a secure URL (i.e. scheme is "https"). These settings may be overridden on a per-backend basis via the tls property for that backend.

The allowed keys in this map are the same as for the tls property for a backend, as described above. There is one exception: the backend_tls map may not include a server_name key. An override server name can only be configured on a per-backend basis and cannot be set in the defaults.

Descriptors Config

The top-level descriptors property is a map that defines default settings for polling and caching of descriptors, which define the schemas for the supported RPC services. It allows the following keys:

  • startup_max_wait_seconds: This is the maximum time to wait at startup for schemas to be resolved and all descriptors to be downloaded. If it takes longer than this to resolve schemas, the process will exit with an error instead of continuing to wait.

    If unset or zero, then a default value of 15 seconds is used.

  • polling_period_seconds: The time to wait in between attempts to re-download descriptors. The gateway continually re-downloads schemas in case they change over time.

    If unset or set to zero, a default value of 15 minutes is used (which is 900 seconds).

  • polling_jitter: A value between zero and one for the amount of random jitter to use when scheduling a polling attempt. This is used to prevent multiple processes from inadvertently self-synchonizing and turning into a thundering herd. A typical value for this purpose is 0.1 to 0.3.

    A value of zero means no jitter. A value of 1 means 100% jitter, which means the polling period can be perturbed up to 100% (so it could be as low as zero as high as double the configured period). The default is 0.25.

  • polling_debounce_seconds: The number of seconds to wait after a schema update to "debounce" updates from multiple sources.

    A smaller value means the gateway's internals are re-created more frequently when updates are frequent. A higher value can be more efficient as it re-creates the internals only once for a sequence of rapid updates, but it may slow down the reaction time from receiving a new schema and serving the corresponding new configuration. Note that the server could benefit from debouncing even when the polling period is high because there could be multiple sources of descriptors, so multiple updates could be arriving, all from a single scheduled re-polling of descriptors.

    The default is zero, which is appropriate for development. But production deployments with multiple schema sources should consider setting it to a value to prevent too much CPU time being used by re-creating configuration. Between 5 ad 30 seconds is a reasonable range of values.

  • cache: This section configures a cache for resolved schemas. For Buf BSR modules and gRPC reflection as descriptor sources, there is a possibility that a network partition could prevent the gateway from downloading a schema at startup. In this case, the cache can be used to fetch a last-known-good schema. The cache is updated whenever a new schema is successfully downloaded. It is used for loading the schemas if polling a backend source fails. This improves resilience of the gateway.

    Note that when loading schemas from local files, caching is not used. It is assumed that the local file will be at least as reliable as a cache source, so it's unnecessary.

    This property is a map with three possible keys: file_system, redis, or memcache. Only one of the three keys can be present since only a single cache source can be active. See here for more details about configuring caches.

Descriptor Caching

Descriptors that define the schemata of the gateway's supported RPC services can be cached, to improve resilience in the face of a descriptor source being unavailable.

The cache property of the descriptors top-level key may contain one of the following:

  • file_system: This caches the results on the file system. This is not a particularly good fit if the gateway is deployed as a workload where the storage is ephemeral (such that the cache will disappear when the workload restarts). But if it is deployed with a persistent disk or has a network filesystem mounted then this can work well. If the gateway workload will be auto-scaled horizontally (e.g. more replicas created on demand), then a network filesystem (where all replicas can share the files) works better and is may be easier to configure than a persistent volume.

    This property is a map that contains settings for caching via files.

    • directory: This first property is required and has no default. You must tell the gateway where to store cached data on the filesystem.
    • file_name_prefix: This is a prefix used in names of files that represent cache entries in the configured directory. The rest of the filename is a cache key. The default prefix is "cache_". The trailing underscore is optional and will be automatically added if needed.
    • file_extension: This is the extension of cache files created. The default is ".bin". The leading dot is optional and will be automatically added if needed.
    • file_mode: The mode used to create the files. This will be combined with the gateway process's umask to determine the actual permissions of created files. If unspecified or zero, defaults to 0600 (readable and writable by owner). This value must be in octal; the leading zero is optional.
  • redis: This caches the results in a Redis server. Redis servers typically are fast and have high up-time, making them suitable for use as a distributed/shared cache.

    This property is a map that contains settings for caching via Redis.

    • host: The only required property is the address of the Redis host. This should include both the host (domain name or IP address) and port.
    • require_auth: If auth is required by the Redis server, set this to true and also set REDIS_USER (optional) and REDIS_PASSWORD environment variables. If only a REDIS_PASSWORD is provided, the gateway will issue the auth command with only a password, for servers using the requirepass configuration option. For servers using the Redis ACL system (as of Redis 6.0), both should be supplied.

      This setting defaults to false.

    • idle_timeout_seconds: The idle timeout is used to close idle connections before they are closed by the server. To that end, this should be a value that is less than the server's timeout. If unspecified or zero, idle connections will not be closed.

    • database: If the gateway should store cache entries in a numbered database, indicate the database number here. By default, no select command is issued, so the default database (zero) is used.
    • key_prefix: The key prefix can be used to namespace keys, in case other workloads use the same Redis server to store data. The default value is empty.
    • expiry_seconds: An expiry may be applied to each cache entry. The entry will be auto-removed after this number of seconds elapses. By default, entries will be created without expiry (and never be deleted).
  • memcache: This last option is for using memcached as a distributed/shared cache. This is similar in many regards to using Redis.

    This property is a map that contains settings for caching via memcached.

    • hosts: This first value is the only required value. The value must be an array of strings that define one or more hosts. If multiple hosts are provided, the cache entries will be distributed across them. This allows some cache entries to survive and be available, even if a single memcached server instance becomes unavailable or is reset.
    • key_prefix: The key prefix can be used to namespace keys, in case other workloads use the same memcached servers to store data. The default value is empty.
    • expiry_seconds: An expiry may be applied to each cache entry. The entry will be auto-removed after this number of seconds elapses. By default, entries will be created without expiry (and never be deleted).

CORS Config

The top-level cors property is a map that defines default settings for how CORS pre-flight requests are handled and what cross-origin requests are allowed. If this section is not defined, all CORS pre-flight requests will get a negative response (i.e. origin not allowed). This section allows the following keys:

  • allowed_origins: This is an array of strings that define the list of allowed origins. Specifying a wildcard "*" means all origins are allowed. An entry in the list can include a single wildcard as a domain component. For example, "https://*.foo.com" allows all immediate sub-domains of foo.com. The default value is empty, which does not allow any origins.
  • allowed_headers: This is a list of allowed headers. The special wildcard entry "*" means all headers are allowed. The default value is empty, which does not allow any headers.
  • allow_credentials: When true, the browser will be allowed to use credentials (such as client TLS certs or cookies) with cross-origin requests. The default value is false.
  • allow_private_networks: When true, the browser will be allowed to send cross-origin requests using a private network. The default value is false.
  • max_age_seconds: This value allows the browser to cache the results of a pre-flight request, resulting in potentially fewer pre-flight requests to authorize future cross-origin requests. If this field is omitted or zero, no such header is sent to the browser. If not specified in a response header, the default for browsers is typically 5 seconds.

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