1.0.3 • Published 3 years ago

@builder.io/memsource-connector v1.0.3

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Last release
3 years ago

Builder.io Memsource connector plugin

See here for the React component that powers this plugin

Using this plugin in production code

The idea behind the plugin is to generalize the use of a translation workflow directly connected to memsource.
The requirements to use the plugin are quite simple:

  • Your page model should have a field named locale and it should be an enum.
  • Your page model should have a field named memsourceProxyUrl (which should be hidden) and it should be a text, or rather a stringified URL to your proxy for memsource.

To add it to a page model simply create a new model field, with whichever name, and the type should be Memsource Connector. This will make the translations plugin available in each page created using that model. There are a couple of optional fields:

  • If you have a restriction for not supporting localisation from certain locales, create another enum in your model (also hidden) named allowedLocales. The plugin will read this value and stop anyone from translating from locales not within the allowedLocales.

Simply hit the Localize button, and it should bring up a Dialog divided by two sections:

  • Source locale should only include a display of the page with the current locale
  • Target locales should be a list of selectable locales, which is the product of eliminating the current locale from the enum aforementioned in the locale field.

When requesting localisation jobs

Given memsource disabled CORS, the request will be proxied to a service the user of the plugin will own. The plugin will fire a POST request to the memsourceProxyUrl host, and in the POST body, the following structure is used:

    "proxy": {
        "projectName": "string",
        "sourceLocale": "string",
        "targetLocales": ["string-1", ..., "string-n"],
        "payload": {
            "__context": {
                // Key value pair equal to the page options, i.e. title, description and your custom fields
                // Also, a couple of values which add context to the request such as
                "locale": "requested source locale",
                "modelName": "model name",
                "pageId": "page id",
                "pageName": "page name",
                "title": "page title",
                "requestor": "email of the logged user who submitted the localisation job"
            "content": [
                    "__id": "string-builder-block-id",
                    "__optionKey": "string-builder-block-translatable-key",
                    "toTranslate": "string to be translated"

Notice there are many fields with the double underscore __ prefix, that is to symbolically represent a hidden field for memsource

Creating a new plugin from this example


cd plugins/localization-connector
npm i


npm run start:dev

NOTE: Loading http:// content on an https:// website will give you a warning. Be sure to click the shield in the top right of your browser and choose "load unsafe scripts" to allow the http content on Builder's https site when devloping locally


Builder.io uses React and Material UI for the UI, and Emotion for styling.

Using these frameworks in Builder plugins ensures best possible experience and performance.