1.0.1 • Published 2 years ago

@busieinc/types v1.0.1

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2 years ago

Busie Types NPM Package


npm run --save-dev @busieinc/types



Contrary to the steps outlined below, testing is not really possible at this time, due to the steps needed to actually publish the package. These steps are the desired contribution steps, however, since testing is not possible, it will be necessary to manually test when contributing temporarily 1. Clone the Repository 2. Change directory into project root 3. Check out a new branch types/the-type-you-will-add 4. Run Tests first (or lint, it's the same thing) npm run test or npm run lint 5. Add your types and interfaces to index.d.ts 6. Add tests to busie-tests.ts (basically just examples of how the types should work/be used) 7. Run Tests again npm run test or npm run lint 8. Assuming everything works, create a pull request!

Note: To keep it simple for now, we'll not add any automation for NPM publishing. Brady will publish new types manually for the time being

2 years ago


2 years ago