0.17.0 • Published 2 years ago

@calv.io.n/dialer v0.17.0

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2 years ago

Voximplant UI kit for Vue.js

Voximplant UI kit for Vue.js is a ready-to-use solution to embed Voximplant audio and video experience into a Vue based application, with full customization capabilities. The kit is ready to run as a standalone application or to leverage as a component inside an existing one.

Voximplant’s UI Kit can be used for a range of different use cases, for example:

  • To power secure telehealth platforms
  • To add softphones to CRM systems
  • To create a call center agent workspace
  • To build an online education platform


UI kit features

The kit provides the following features:

  • Audio & video calls
  • Call Voximplant users, SIP addresses and phone numbers
  • Choose audio and video devices and disable them
  • Use call queues for contact center
  • Multiple simultaneous lines
  • Mute, hold and call transfer functionality
  • Numpad
  • Set status for users in queue (both ACD v1 and SmartQueue)
  • Minimized & maximized vues
  • Full-screen view
  • Screen sharing
  • Several video layouts

Why should I choose this UI kit

Voximplant UI kit for Vue.js is a great choice for your business, because:

  • The Vue.js framework makes it easy to build
  • Effector.js enables you to leverage any other framework
  • Fully customizable
  • Ready to use as a standalone application or leverage as a component inside an application
  • All business logic implemented at application store
  • Cross-domain iframe API enables reach configuration options and flexibility

Benefits of the UI kit for Vue.js:

  • Rapid deployment — Leverage the call UI components to deploy quickly and easily
  • Optimize development time — Save time going through documentation as all components have embedded SDK functions and a recommended server scenario
  • Flexibility — Components can be used for many different scenarios — call center webphones, video calls, CRM diallers & more
  • Customizable — Use and adapt any of the components you need

How to build

  1. Make sure that Node.js is installed on your computer.

    Voximplant UI kit for Vue.js uses Vue 3 for UI and Effector for business logic, but they will install automatically as dependencies.

  2. Download the repository.
  3. Navigate to the project folder and execute yarn install to install the dependencies and set up the project.
  4. To compile and run the project, execute yarn serve.
  5. To compile and minimize for production, execute yarn build
  6. To lint and fix files, execute yarn lint.

How to setup backend

To use the client, you need to: 1. Create an application in the Voximplant platform. 1. Create a user to log into the application (or use an existing one). 1. Create a scenario to process the calls logic.

For example, you can use this simple scenario, to process inbound and outbound calls to and from Voximplant users:


After you create it, you can run your application and log into it with an existing Voximplant user.

Business logic description

Main stores

  • $signInFields contains authorization data (username, password, etc.)
  • $signInErrors contains authorization errors data
  • $calls contains current calls data
  • $settings contains application settings (volume, devices, mute status, etc.)
  • $queueStatus contains current queue status

SignInFields events:

  • fillForm fills the store when a user enters credentials
  • checkErrors validates all form fields. The validation result stores in $signInErrors via the setError event. If there's an error in at least one form field, the notEnough property in the $signInErrors store will set to true and the authorization will fail.
  • restoreFillForm restores user credentials from the previous session, if they are saved in the localStorage. The credentials can be saved in localStorage only if a user checks the Remember me checkbox in the authorization form.

SignInErrors events:

  • setError refreshes the form validation result during the authorization

Calls events:

  • createCall creates a new call and transferrs the destination (phone number, Voximplant username, or SIP address) and call type (audio or video) to the SDK, then receives the call ID.
  • setCall sets the call to the store by its ID.
  • hangUp ends the current call.
  • answerIncomingCall answers the current call.
  • removeCall removes the call from the store.
  • transferCall transferrs the call to another user.
  • toggleCallActive toggles the call hold. If set to false, the call is on hold.
  • setAllCallAsPaused holds all the current calls, except the call that is passed as an argument. If no argument is passed, holds all calls.
  • changeAudioDevice changes the audio device.

Settings events:

  • changeVolume sets the call and ringtone volume.
  • getAudios gets the current DOM elements with the call audio.
  • getRingtone gets the ringtone DOM element.
  • setRingtoneParam sets the ringtone volume from the ringtoneVolume property.
  • toggleCollapsed toggles window minimization (changes the DOM element height).
  • addActiveDevice changes the active microphone.
  • changeMute toggles microphone mute.
  • changeVideoMute toggles camera.

QueueStatus events:

  • changeQueueStatus sends the queue status to the SDK.
  • setQueueStatus sets the received from the SDK queue status to the store.