0.7.1 • Published 3 years ago

@candlefw/hydrocarbon v0.7.1

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3 years ago

Reads custom .hcg grammar files and builds recursive descent parsers. Currently supports parser targets for Javascript, Typescript, and WebAssembly


Write A Grammar

# my_json_like_language.hcg
@IGNORE g:ws g:nl

<> JSON > object                                   

<> value > object
    | array
    | t:true                                        f:r{ true }
    | t:false                                       f:r{ false }
    | t:null                                        f:r{ null }
    | tk:number                                     f:r{ parseFloat($sym1) }
    | tk:string                                     f:r{ $sym1.slice(1,-1) }

<> object > \{  element(*\, )  \}                   f:r{ Object.fromEntries($$sym2 || [])  }

<> element > tk:string \: value                     f:r{ [$sym1.slice(1,-1), $sym3] }

<> array > \[ value(*\, ) \]                        f:r{ $$sym2 || [] }

<> number > g:num ( \. g:num )? ( \e g:num )?

<> string > \" (RST g:nl) ( g:id | g:num | g:sym )(*) \"

Install Hydrocarbon & Compile Parser

:~$ yarn global add @candlefw/hydrocarbon

:~$ hydrocarbon compile --recognizer wasm --completer js \./my_json_like_language.hcg

Use Parser

import json_parse from "./parser.js";

const { result } = json_parse('{"Hello World":[3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9.265] }');

result[0]        // => { 'Hello World' : [3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9.265]  }
typeof result[0] // => "object"


The primary reason this exists is to provide a flexible, easy to use parser compiler to handle the parsing demands of CandleFW libraries such as Wick, JS, TS, Wax, and CSS. It provides a way of rapidly define new language syntax and is able combine grammars of different languages into one meta-parser.

Parser Design

The core functionality of a Hydrocarbon parser is split across two major parts, a recognizer and a completer.

The recognizer performs the heavy lifting by parsing a text input, identifying sequences of text that belong to productions of the grammar, and generating parse actions. There are four actions the recognizer can issue: ACCEPT, SHIFT, REDUCE, and SKIP. These actions are encoded in 32bit integers and stored in an action buffer.

The completer reads actions from the action buffer, and applies them to the text input. It may also call user defined functions that accepts tokens generated by SHIFT actions. These functions may optionally return values that can be received by other custom functions. Both tokens, and values returned from the custom functions, get pushed to an output stack, which then returned by the completer once it finishes applying the parse actions. A primary use of the completer is to construct ASTs (Abstract Syntax Trees) from the text input, but it can be used for other tasks such as generating text highlighting or serving as a script interpreter.

The split functions allow the recognizer to be defined using C/C++ friendly syntax that is then compiled to a WASM module. The completer is written in TypeScrip/JavaScript. Future work will allow both the completer and the recognizer to be used in languages other than TypeScript/JavaScript.


  • Grammar - TODO
  • Parser - TODO
  • CLI - TODO + see below

CLI Usage

hydrocarbon compile <arguments?> <file path to .hcg>

Compiles a parser from a Hydrocarbon grammar file

Optional Arguments

--workers<number>Number of worker threads used to compiler parser. Defaults to 1
--output_dir<file path>Output directory for parser. Defaults to the CWD
--name<string>Name to give the parser file. Defaults to 'parser'
--recognizer_type<js \| wasm>Type of recognizer to create may either be wasm or js. Defaults to js
--completer_type<ts \| js>Type of recognizer to create may either be ts or js. Defaults to js
--annotationsnoneAdd annotated comments to recognizer. Only applicable when the recognizer is a js type.


If you have any problems using hydrocarbon, or would like to suggest a new feature, please open an issue.

If you would like to contribute to the development of hydrocarbon, fork the repository, create and develope on a new branch, and create a pull request from your forked repo.




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