1.0.2 • Published 6 years ago

@canpy/composer v1.0.2

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6 years ago

Composition over Inheritance using Mixins

Create a mixin class

module.exports = class Common {
  unix_created_at() {
    return moment(this.get('created_at')).unix()

  unix_updated_at() {
    return moment(this.get('updated_at')).unix()

  static _mapping() {
    return {
      id: {
        weight: -100,
        or: [ 'null' ],
        type: 'integer',
        path: 'id'

      created_at: {
        weight: 100,
        type: 'integer',
        path: 'created_at',
        get_method: 'unix_created_at'
      updated_at: {
        weight: 101,
        type: 'integer',
        path: 'updated_at',
        get_method: 'unix_updated_at'

Create a resource class

const { composer, ResourceBase } = require('@canpy/composer');

class Resource extends ResourceBase {
  // resource classes require a mixins static method
  static mixins() {
    return [
      // add mixin names how ever you need, reference the callback below
      'Common', // in micro-core we use Pasacal case paths

module.exports = composer(
  name => {
    const path = // convert name to path. your needs define how this is done. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    return require(path);

    // in micro-core it would look something like this
    return App.get(`Resources.Mixins.${name}`);

Now use that composed class. 🎉

const Resource = require('path/to/resource/class');


const resource = new Resource({ 
  id: 32,
  created_at: 'now',
  updated_at: 'now'


Mixins more details

module.exports = class MixinExample {
  // Define any static or instance methods that should be added to the
  // resource class.

  // optional methods that can be defined in your mixin class

  static _mapping() {
    // redefine in your mixin class
    // Example Property Definition
    return {
      prop_name: {
        type: 'enum[text, integer, double, boolean]',
        or: 'array of valid scheam property types',

        // optional
        schema_ignore: 'boolean, should this property be rendered in the validation schema and the toJSON',
        weight: 'integer determining the order in wich the property should fall',
        get_method: 'string of the instance function that should be called inside the getter'

        // any jsonschema property http://json-schema.org/examples.html

  static mixinSetup(resource) {
    // redefine in your mixin class

  static mixinPreProcessSetProperty(resource, prop, new_value) {
    // redefine in your mixin class

  static mixinPostProcessSetProperty(resource, prop) {
    // redefine in your mixin class