1.1.0 • Published 7 years ago

@car-throttle/aws-cloudwatch-logger v1.1.0

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7 years ago

AWS Cloudwatch Logger

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Send your application logs from your Docker containers directly to AWS Cloudwatch. This is particularly ideal if you're running containers on AWS EC2 Container Service, although this has also been used to send logs from containers running on self-hosted hardware.


$ npm install --save @car-throttle/aws-cloudwatch-logger
const CloudwatchLogger = require('@car-throttle/aws-cloudwatch-logger');

const logger = CloudwatchLogger.createLogger();

logger.debug('This is a lovely debug message!');
// { timestamp: 'Wed Aug 23 2017 21:37:51 GMT+0100 (BST)',
//   type: 'debug',
//   message: 'This is a lovely debug message!' }

logger.info('Some information for you', { this: 'that' });
// { timestamp: 'Wed Aug 23 2017 21:37:51 GMT+0100 (BST)',
//   type: 'info',
//   message: 'Some information for you',
//   data: { this: 'that' } }

logger.warn('Important warning for you');
// { timestamp: 'Wed Aug 23 2017 21:37:51 GMT+0100 (BST)',
//   type: 'warn',
//   message: 'Important warning for you' }

logger.error(new Error('Oh man, this errored'));
// { timestamp: 'Wed Aug 23 2017 21:37:51 GMT+0100 (BST)',
//   type: 'error',
//   error:
//    { code: null,
//      name: 'Error',
//      message: 'Oh man, this errored',
//      stack:
//       [ 'Error: Oh man, this errored',
//         'at Object.<anonymous> (/workspace/example.js:17:14)',
//         'at Module._compile (module.js:571:32)',
//         '...', // Omitted
//         'at bootstrap_node.js:538:3' ] } }

In development, these will be lovely util.inspect'd objects, but in production the format will be minified to:

{"timestamp":"2017-08-23T21:37:51.574Z","type":"debug","message":"This is a lovely debug message!"}
{"timestamp":"2017-08-23T21:37:51.574Z","type":"info","message":"Some information for you","data":{"this":"that"}}
{"timestamp":"2017-08-23T21:37:51.574Z","type":"warn","message":"Important warning for you"}
{"timestamp":"2017-08-23T21:37:51.574Z","type":"error","error":{"code":null,"name":"Error","message":"Oh man, this errored","stack":["Error: Oh man, this errored","at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/james/Sites/Car-Throttle/aws-cloudwatch-logger/example.js:17:14)","at Module._compile (module.js:569:30)","...","at bootstrap_node.js:575:3"]}}


const CloudwatchLogger = require('@car-throttle/aws-cloudwatch-logger');
const crypto = require('crypto');
const express = require('express');

const app = express();
const logger = CloudwatchLogger.createLogger();


app.get('/', (req, res) => res.json('Hello world!'));
// { timestamp: 'Wed Aug 23 2017 21:37:51 GMT+0100 (BST)',
//   type: 'req',
//   id: 'f283e4b5b608ee7a42d9c239',
//   req:
//    { method: 'GET',
//      url: '/?id=12&fields[]=id&fields[]=title&fields[]=content',
//      headers:
//       { accept: 'application/json, text/plain, */*',
//         connection: 'close',
//         host: '',
//         'user-agent': 'axios/0.16.2' },
//      path: '/',
//      query: { id: '12', fields: [ 'id', 'title', 'content' ] },
//      body: {} },
//   res:
//    { statusCode: 200,
//      headers:
//       { 'content-length': '14',
//         'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
//         etag: 'W/"e-nkbG/vEV8ab/vH4HRSEWq+7z/MU"',
//         'x-powered-by': 'Express' } } }

app.post('/', (req, res) => res.status(201).json({
  entry_id: crypto.randomBytes(12).toString('hex'),
  success: true,
// { timestamp: 'Wed Aug 23 2017 21:37:51 GMT+0100 (BST)',
//   type: 'req',
//   id: '5723372b27db8ad491e221da',
//   req:
//    { method: 'POST',
//      url: '/',
//      headers:
//       { accept: 'application/json, text/plain, */*',
//         connection: 'close',
//         'content-length': '25',
//         'content-type': 'application/json;charset=utf-8',
//         host: '',
//         'user-agent': 'axios/0.16.2' },
//      path: '/',
//      query: {},
//      body: [ 'example', 'post', 'data' ] },
//   res:
//    { statusCode: 201,
//      headers:
//       { 'content-length': '54',
//         'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
//         etag: 'W/"36-2DtRf3MicJ/LCYV2dgBWg9MtJms"',
//         'x-powered-by': 'Express' } } }

And of course in production they will be minified.


const CloudwatchLogger = require('@car-throttle/aws-cloudwatch-logger');
const uuid = require('uuid');

// Creates a logger with debug(), info(), warn() & error() methods
const logger = CloudwatchLogger.createLogger({
  level: 'info', // Optionally set a base level, useful to ignore DEBUG messages in production
  stream: writeStream, // Optionally set a stream to write to instead of process.stdout

// Create a middleware function to log requests as responses are sent
const middleware = CloudwatchLogger.createMiddleware({
  logger, // Optionally include the CloudwatchLogger you previously instantiated
  // stream: writeStream, // If you do not include a CloudwatchLogger then one will be created for you with this option

  header: 'X-Request-ID', // Optionally attach an ID with the request
  headerId: () => uuid.v4(), // And a function to generate a header, otherwise crypto.randomBytes will be used

  // Overwrite the function used to create the logged request object
  // Be wary of using this function & where you place the createMiddleware function
  // E.g. placing this middleware before your authentication middleware means that req.user won't exist yet
  req(req) {
    return {
      method: req.method,
      url: req.originalUrl || req.url,
      headers: req.headers,
      path: req.path,
      query: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(req.query || {})),
      body: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(req.body || {})),
  // Overwrite the function used to create the logged response object
  res(res) {
    return {
      statusCode: res.statusCode,
      headers: res._headers || {},
  // Given that you may have other middleware functions that'll run after this, you can optionally append additional
  // items to the logged data right before it's sent to Cloudwatch.
  format(record, req, res) {
    if (req.user && req.user.id) record.req.user = { id: req.user.id };

// Formats an error into an object, perfect for dropping into JSON.stringify
CloudwatchLogger.formatErr(new Error('This is not the error you are looking for, move along!'));
// { code: 'ROUTE_NOT_FOUND',
//   name: 'NotFoundError',
//   message: 'Route not found: /foobar',
//   stack:
//    [ 'NotFoundError: Route not found: /foobar',
//      'at app.use (/workspace/example.js:39:15)',
//      '...', // Omitted
//      'at /workspace/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:284:7' ] }

Interesting use cases

Attaching the error to the request log

Attaching the error object to res.error and then reattaching it in the format function right before the record is sent to CloudWatch.

const CloudwatchLogger = require('@car-throttle/aws-cloudwatch-logger');
const express = require('express');

const app = express();

  format(record, req, res) {
    if (res.error) record.res.error = res.error;

app.use((req, res, next) => {
  const err = new Error(`Route not found: ${req.url}`);
  err.code = 'ROUTE_NOT_FOUND';
  err.name = 'NotFoundError';
  err.status = 404;

app.use((err, req, res, next) => {
  const output = {
    code: err.code || null,
    name: err.name || 'Error',
    message: err.message || `${err}`,
    status: err.status || 500,

  res.error = CloudwatchLogger.formatErr(err);


// { timestamp: 'Wed Aug 23 2017 21:37:51 GMT+0100 (BST)',
//   type: 'req',
//   req:
//    { method: 'GET',
//      url: '/foobar',
//      headers:
//       { accept: 'application/json, text/plain, */*',
//         connection: 'close',
//         host: '',
//         'user-agent': 'axios/0.16.2' },
//      path: '/foobar',
//      query: '{}',
//      body: '{}' },
//   res:
//    { statusCode: 404,
//      headers:
//       { 'content-length': '99',
//         'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
//         etag: 'W/"63-H7EMZzHMCMoTxCA4i0/u4Xhw7S0"',
//         'x-powered-by': 'Express' },
//      error:
//       { code: 'ROUTE_NOT_FOUND',
//         name: 'NotFoundError',
//         message: 'Route not found: /foobar',
//         stack:
//          [ 'NotFoundError: Route not found: /foobar',
//            'at app.use (/workspace/example.js:39:15)',
//            '...', // Omitted
//            'at /workspace/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:284:7' ] } } }

Configuring ECS

  • Enter the awslogs-group and awslogs-region when you change the container definition log configuration to awslogs.
  • Create an ECS-task-definition IAM role and attach a policy to allow that role to add Cloudwatch logs.
  • Don't forget to configure your ECS instances!