0.1.20 • Published 1 year ago

@ccdao/components v0.1.20

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Last release
1 year ago

React Component Library

Library with all shared IOTABOTS components - published on npmjs.com: @iotabots/components. This library contains several components to quickly and efficiently build new applications within the IOTABOTS design.

Warning: This library is under active development - please do not use it in production.

👆 Usage

To use the @ccdao/components UI library in your React App, follow these steps:

📦 Install

# Yarn
yarn add @ccdao/components

# Npm
npm i @ccdao/components
yarn version 0.1.0 -m "Bump version to: %s [skip ci]"
yarn publish

🎨 Theme Provider

Add this to your root app file. The theme will default to dark mode. You can select light and dark theme via the theme property.

// src/App.tsx
import { ThemeProvider } from '@ccdao/components';

<ThemeProvider theme='dark'>
// src/pages/Home.tsx
import { Button } from '@ccdao/components';

<Button onClick={console.log("Hello 🤖")}>
  Say Hello!

🌗 Light and Darkmode

In case you want your users to toggle between light and dark, create a new file called Theme.tsx like we do here https://github.com/iotabots/iotabots.io/blob/main/contexts/Theme.tsx. If you want the user's mode to be stored in local storage, also see these imports in the Theme https://github.com/iotabots/iotabots.io/blob/main/utils/localStorage.ts. Otherwise just remove the utils getItem and setItem.

ℹ️ Info

Material UI

We extend the React UI library MUI for theming and base UI components. You can import almost all components from the MUI official docs just from iotabots/components, see before-after-example here

// Don't
import { Button } from '@mui/material'

// Do
import { Button } from '@iotabots/components'