0.1.7 • Published 4 years ago

@cdltbisou/adversaries-lib v0.1.7

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Last release
4 years ago

Adversaries Map

Map to display adversaries around a specific Decathlon store or address.


To install, you can use npm or yarn

$ npm install adversaries-lib
$ yarn add adversaries-lib

usage exemple

all props are optional

import Adversaries from "adversaries-lib";

<Adversaries width="100%" height="100vh" mapStyle="terrain" />;

acepted props

width is a string, accepts all values supported by CSS. Default is 100%

height is a string, accepts all values supported by CSS. Default is 100vh

mapStyle is a string, must be supported by Stamen Maps . Default is terrain. for example terrain, toner, watercolor

release history

  • 0.1.0
    • first release

contribute & issues

  1. fork the project (git@github.com:dktunited/map-for-adversaries.git)
  2. create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/foo)
  3. commit your changes (git add / git commit -m "feat(<scope>): commit message")
  4. push to the branch (git push origin feature/foo)
  5. create a new pull request

please report any issue here


  • add ability to select the source of adversaries (Google is used by default)
  • allow to use a custom default location