1.0.0 • Published 1 year ago
@cfware/icon-builder v1.0.0
Build icons.js
in the target directory.
Create ./pkgs/icon/icon-chars.js
export const iconChars = {
ban: '\uF05E',
'caret-down': '\uF0D7',
'caret-right': '\uF0DA',
download: '\uF019',
edit: '\uF044',
envelope: '\uF0E0',
'exclamation-triangle': '\uF071',
'id-card': '\uF2C2',
list: '\uF03A',
lock: '\uF023',
microphone: '\uF130',
'phone-alt': '\uF879',
plus: '\uF067',
'question-circle': '\uF059',
'sign-out-alt': '\uF2F5',
times: '\uF00D',
'trash-alt': '\uF2ED',
upload: '\uF093',
user: '\uF007'
The exported object should have keys associated with Font-Awesome icon names, values should be the Unicode point to produce for the WOFF2 font.
npm i -D @cfware/icon-builder
npm i @cfware/shadow-element
npx cfware-iconbuilder ./pkgs/icon ./pkgs/icon/icon-chars.js iconChars
This command will produce ./pkgs/icon/icon.js
. Importing that file will
register the custom element cfware-icon
. An example usage is:
const banIcon = () => html`<cfware-icon icon="\uF05E" />`;
In addition ./pkgs/icon/fontawesome-free
will be created containing the
and LICENSE.txt
files installed by @fortawesome/fontawesome-free