0.0.45 • Published 1 year ago

@chainfusion/chainfusion-contracts v0.0.45

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1 year ago

ChainFusion Contracts

This repository contains Solidity contracts with bridging logic.

RelayBridge is a cross-chain system that acts as a bridge to transfer tokens and assets between two different blockchain platforms.

RelayBridge provides blockchain interoperability by connecting different blockchain networks. Thus, it allows users to experience the distinctive features of each network and the additional benefits of a chain of nodes.

When a user initiates a token transfer from chain A to chain B, the assets are first sent to a relay node on chain A. The relay node then sends the same number of tokens to chain B and maintains liquidity at destination B.

RelayBridge provides interaction between blockchain networks using various consensus mechanisms. They enable interoperable token transfer, data transfer, digital asset transfer, and smart contract instruction transfer between two different platforms. With RelayBridges, users can deploy digital assets stored on one chain to applications running on another, facilitating fast and low-cost transactions for tokens hosted on a less scalable blockchain.


Install Packages

$ npm install

Compile Contracts

$ npm run compile

Run Tests

$ npm run test

Deployment and Verification

First of all, copy .env.example into .env and set up all required variables inside

Deploy Contracts

In this example we are deploying to ternopil testnet. To deploy to different chain, --network parameter should be changed.

Deployment involves running two scripts in sequence. The first script is deployed once, on ChainFusion network.

$ npx hardhat --network ternopil run scripts/deploy-chainfusion.ts

The second script is executed for each new chain to deploy chain contracts, like bg1.

$ npx hardhat --network bg1 run scripts/deploy-chain.ts

Verify Contracts

To verify contracts, you need to specify network, contract address and constructor parameters (if present).

$ npx hardhat --network goerli verify <CONTRACT_ADDRESS> <CONSTRUCTOR_PARAMETERS>

Or you can set VERIFY variable to true while deploying contracts to automatically verify them afterwards.

$ VERIFY=true npx hardhat --network ternopil run scripts/deploy-chainfusion.ts

1 year ago


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1 year ago