1.6.0 • Published 6 years ago
@chainsafesystems/ssz v1.6.0
ChainSafe ETH2.0 Projects
Note: There is a lot of work being done that are core infrastructural pieces for Eth2.0. Contributions to any of the below repositories would be greatly appreciated. All the libraries are written in TypeScript (or in the process of being converted from pure JS to TypeScript): -- PM / Meta Repo |-- Beacon Chain |-- Simple Serialize (SSZ) |-- Fixed Size Numbers |-- BLS Singatures and Signature Aggregation
Simple Serialize (SSZ) in pure Javascript
npm install @chainsafesystems/ssz
See API.md for comprehensive API docs.
let array = [1, 2, 3]
let serialized = ssz.serialize(array, ['uint16'])
let bool = true
let serialized = ssz.serialize(bool, 'bool')
let num = 16
let serialized = ssz.serialize(num, 'uint32')
let bytes = Buffer.from([1,2,3])
let serialized = ssz.serialize(bytes, 'bytes')
We can also serialize to BytesN:
// Note: N === bytes.length
let arr = new Uint8Array(1)
let bytes = Buffer.from(arr.buffer)
let serialized = ssz.serialize(bytes, 'bytes1')
let obj = {
a: Buffer.from('hello'),
b: 10,
c: false
let types = {
'fields' : [
['a', 'bytes'],
['b', 'int16'],
['c', 'bool'],
let serialized = ssz.serialize(obj, types)
For deserialization we need to specify:
- data {buffer} - encoded data
- type {string | object | array} - type of data we want to decode, same as encoding types
- start {number} - optional, default: 0, start location in the data buffer from where we wish to read
// eg. deserialize a boolean at position 0
ssz.deserialize(buf, 'bool')
// eg. deserialize an object at position 32
let types = {
'fields' : [
['a', 'bool'],
['b', 'uint8']
ssz.deserialize(buf, types, 32)
Very special thank you to Darren Langley for helping build this.