0.2.5 • Published 4 years ago

@chaintelligence/node-red-contrib-tezos v0.2.5

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4 years ago

node-red nodes for Tezos

Tezos is an open-source blockchain for assets and applications that can evolve by upgrading itself. Stakeholders govern upgrades to the core protocol, including upgrades to the amendment process itself.

This package provides the following node-red nodes to interact with the Tezos blockchain:

  • transfer
  • originate
  • call-contract
  • generate-keys
  • get-contrat
  • confirm

The RPC provider is set in the configuration panel of the nodes.


Transfers Tezis from an account to another.

ParameterDescMsg.payload entry
RPC providerRPC provider URL-
SecretPrivate key of sendersecret
FaucetFaucet in JSON format of sender (if no private key)faucet
DestinationAddress of receiverdestination
AmountAmount of Tezis to transferamount

This node may be paramterized by the following payload JSON object:

    "secret": "... sender's private key ...",
    "destination": "tz1... receiver address...",
    "amount": ... number of tezis ...

If success, the node returns the following payload:

    "res": true,
    "op": { ... operation object ... }

If fail:

    "res": false


Originates a smart contract.

ParameterDescMsg.payload entry
RPC providerRPC provider URL-
SecretPrivate key of originatorsecret
FaucetFaucet in JSON format of originator (if no private key)faucet
CodeMichelin codes for code in JSONcode
StorageMichelin codes for storage in JSONstorage

This node may be paramterized by the following payload JSON object:

    "secret": "... originator's private key ...",
    "code": [ ... Michelin code of contract ... ],
    "storage": { ... Michelin code of contract  storage ... }

The Michelin code may be obtained from Tezos client's originate command in dry and verbose mode.

If success, the node returns the following payload:

    "res": true,
    "op": { ... operation object ... }

If fail:

    "res": false


Calls a smart contract's entry point.

ParameterDescMsg.payload entry
RPC providerRPC provider URL-
SecretPrivate key of originatorsecret
FaucetFaucet in JSON format of originator (if no private key)faucet
AddressAddress of the smart contractaddr
EntryName of the entry point to callentry
ArgumentsList of arguments to passargs
AmountAmount of tezis to transfer to the call (0 if not specified)amount

This node may be paramterized by the following payload JSON object:

    "secret": "... originator's private key ...",
    "addr": "KT1... address of the smart contract ... ",
    "entry": "... name of the entry point ...",
    "args": [ ... list of arguments ... ],
    "amount" : ... number of tezis to transfer ...

For example, say the contract has an exec entry point which takes a string and an integer as argments; the following is an example value of the args entry:

    "args" : [ "this is a string", 1 ]

The order in which arguments are passed may be derived for example from the "interact" panel of you.better-call.dev

If success, the node returns the following payload:

    "res": true,
    "op": { ... operation object ... }

If fail:

    "res": false


Generates keys for a new account.

ParameterDescMsg.payload entry
MnemonicList of mnemonic words (optional)mnemonic

If no menomic is provided, the node generates a random one.

It generates the following payload structure:

    "mnemonic" : [... list of mnemonic words ...],
    "publicKeyHash": "...",
    "publicKey": "...",
    "privateKey": "..."


Set msg.payload to be the POJO version of the storage of a smart contract.

ParameterDescMsg.payload entry
RPC providerRPC provider URL-
AddressAddress of the smart contractaddr

This node does not currently work for big maps.


Confirms an operation.

ParameterDescMsg.payload entry
ConfirmationNumber of confirmations to wait for-
Operationoperation objectop

Operations object are currently too big for node-red to be passed from one node to the other ...

All nodes except generate-keys use the Taquito library.

The generate-key node uses the Conseiljs library.

Nodes developped by

a service by edukera.


4 years ago


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4 years ago