1.0.27 • Published 7 years ago
@cita/web3-plugin v1.0.27
Promise based CITA RPC toolkit.
- Supports the Promise API
$ yarn add @cita/web3-plugin
import web3Plugin from '@cita/web3-plugin'
const SERVER = 'localhost:1337'
const { CITA } = web3Plugin({ server: SERVER })
* @function netPeerCount
* @description request net peer count
* @param null
* @returns {string} peerCount
CITA.netPeerCount().then(count => console.log(count))
* @function getBlockByNumber
* @description request block by block number
* @param {string} quantity - quantity is the current block height of CITA
* @param {boolean} detialed - return transaction list if true, otherwise return hash of transaction
* @returns {object} block
quantity: blockNumber
detailed: true,
}).then(block => console.log(block))
* @function getBlockByHash
* @description request block by block hash
* @param {string} hash - block hash
* @param {boolean} detailed - return transaction list if true, otherwise return hash of transaction
* @returns {object} block
hash: blockHash,
detailed: true
}).then(block => console.log(block))
* @function getBlockHistory
* @description Retrieve blocks of height from (by - count + 1) to by
* @param {by: string, count: number} - by: the startpoint of history, count: the count of records to retrieve
* @return {array} list of block
const blocks = await CITA.getBlockHistory({
by: '0x4bb99',
count: 5,
}).then(blocks => console.log(blocks))
* @function setServer
* @description set server
* @param {string} server
* @return undefined